Chapter 1 the wolf

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(Y/n) pov
My name is (Y/n), I have (e/c), and   (h/c). Before I got my imperial arms, I use to be alone. Abandoned at the age of eight deep in a forest, I had to learn to how to survive alone. I was able to survive for five years, until a man with a beard looking around forty, found me and took me in. I learn that he was a commander of the Emperial Capital's army, he made me join even though I was still young. Every recruit, except me, was eighteen or older. The higher ups train us till our bodies were more than sore, I was barely keeping up with rest, and every time I couldn't keep up, I would get punish in different ways. They would give me less rations of food, beat me to the ground, overwork my body, or do extra hard chores. I just kept on going, I wanted to make the commander proud. After six months, I I was surprisingly ahead of everyone; top of the ranks, no one could beat me.
I was at my room, where I have a bed, a desk and chair, and a closet. I was sitting on my bed, thinking of my family, wondering why they abandoned me. Until I heard a knock on the door.

Me: "Come in."
Commander: "Hello (Y/n)."

I stand straight to show my loyalty.

Commander: "As you were."
Me: "Yes sir."

I sit on my bed again. The commander then sat next to me.

Commander: "Would it kill you to call me father?"
Me: "Sorry, I just don't feel comfortable."
Commander: "It's ok take your time, but put a little effort."
Me: "I'll try..."
Commander: "I came here to tell you how proud I am. You were last of class, but now you're at the top in such a short time."
Me: "Thanks. I tried my best."
Commander: "Keep it up, and you'll be working with me or maybe I'll be taking orders from you. Hahahaha "
Me: "Very funny, but I would like to work with you, it would be nice... Pop..."
Commander: "One day my boy, one day... Well I have to go. Duty calls, keep up the good work."
Me: "I will!"

And with that, he left with a big smile on his face. I laid back on bed, resting in peace.

Timeskip two years later
I was sparring on a one vs three match, me against three skilled fighters. The whole class was in awe at my performance, I mean who wouldn't, a fifteen year old winning against three skilled soldiers.

Sol 1: "Stop... moving so much kid."
Me: "What? Can't keep up?"
Sol 1: "Shut up!"
Sol 2: "Let's attack together from different sides."
Sol 3: "Good idea."

They form a triangle around me, surrounding me, thinking this would work.

Me: "I have won from the start..."

They attack simultaneously. I do a high jump, causing them to hit each other on their lower jaw, knocking them out.
I won the match and everyone was cheering. All of a sudden I heard someone clapping loudly but slowly, everyone stayed silent at this. From the shadows came out a large man, eating meat, and white hair and beard. This person is the prime minister Honest.

Honest: "Very impressive, I admire your performance."
Me: "Pr-Prime Minister!"

I kneel before him. He walks up to me.

Honest: "Come with me."

I did as command, we left the area, not saying a single word. We arrive to a room that kinda looks like a lab of some kind. Inside, was a girl with pale skin, lonh blue hair, white clothing, long white high heel boots, and dark crimson symbol above her cleavage.

Honest: "(Y/n), right?"
Me: "Y-Yes."
Honest: "Do you know what is an imperial arm's?"
Me: "Yes. Weapons that are made from legendary danger beasts."
Honest: "Correct, and today is your lucky day. You have proven that you deserve one, so I will reward you with one that is so powerful, only three people were able to use it."

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