Chapter 8 Cerberus

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(Y/n) pov
We boarded the Ryuusen, and set sail.
Tatsumi dress himself in some nice-looking clothes, while Bulat made himself invisible with incursio. Since I can't show my face in public or have any fancy gadgets to camouflage myself, I had to climb to the highest point of the ship and hide in a small space to hide. Luckily, I can use my enhance hearing to see what's happening. It looks like there some kind of fancy party going on. The guy we're supposed to protect is surrounded by people, so it will take awhile for the enemy to appear. Looks like Bulat and Tatsumi went inside, this's seriously gonna take a long time. Then a gentle music started playing.

Me: Is that a flute? Crap this sound is getting annoying. It's coming from a room.
Tatsumi: "You must be one of the people pretending to be Night Raid."
Me: "Tatsumi? When did you get outside?"
Daidara: "And you're the real thing, I suppose?"
Me: "Daidara? So it's you guys, fuck." I have to go help him, or his gonna be shredded.

Daidara is wild looking guy with long hair, and white soulless eyes. The fight started between Daidara and Tatsumi. Daidara activated his axe into dual wielding axes, that are like boomerangs. He manage to cut my Tatsumi in the abdomen area. As he throws the axe, Tatsumi started running towards Daidara.

Me: "That idiot!"

As I was about to jump in, Bulat interfered and hit Tatsumi on the head. Making the blade miss.


As I landed down, I waited in the shadows for the opportunity to strike him down.


He turned around to face Daidara. I was sneaking closer to Daidara to do the finishing blow. Bulat summons his incursio.

Daidara: "Looks like I can get lots of experience from you!"

The other two with Daidara jump from behind Bulat to strike. But Bulat easily noticed and push them back. I finally went to puncture Daidara with my silver claws from behind. I use my strength to rip his upper and lower body apart, and throw them to the side.
I then look at Nyau and Liver.

Me: So they finally reveal themselves.
Liver: "I must say, I never expected to meet the Hellhound. It is indeed an honor to be in your presence. Also, a commendable effort, especially against the special forces. That relic, that battle prowess... So it is you, Bulat."
Bulat: "It can't be... General Liver?!"
Liver: "I am no longer a General. After Lady Esdeath saved me, I became her servant."

General Liver, a middle age man. Silver hair and facial. Bulat aimed his spear at him.

Bulat: "If we'd ended up on the sane side, we could've celebrated our reunion with a drink. But since you've resurfaced as my enemy, I must kill you! I must complete the mission!"
Liver: "My thoughts exactly. The mission must be carried out..."
Me: "Enough talk, let's get this started."

As I was charging towards him, pillars of water hit me on the side, making me fall hard.

Me: "The fuck?!"
Liver: "This is my imperial relic Black Marlin, created from an organ of an aquatic Danger beast that controls water, this relic allows me to wield freely any liquid within range."
Me: "Well that's bullshit!"

I got up and got in fighting position ready for the next attack.

Liver: "Water spirit cannon!"

He launched six pillars towards Bulat. Bulat protect himself with his spear by spinning it.

Akame ga kill! Leone x Wolf male reader. Kitty and wolfy!Where stories live. Discover now