Chapter 4 Wolf's Den

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Leone's Pov, forest
Me: "I can't wait beat him up."
Mine: "Shouldn't it be the opposite?"
Me: "It's pay back for taking the fun out of the job, and for calling me kitty! No calls me that and walks away without a scratch!!"
Sheele: "So we'll beat him up first, then kindly ask him to join?"
Tatsumi: "Don't listen to Leone."
Najenda: "Everyone focus on the mission."
Bulat: "We can't let our guard down. Since his mostly always in wolf form, he might already know we're here."
Sheele: "So where does he hideout?"
Me: "He lives in a abandoned factory deep in the forest. Weird isn't? We live in the forest and yet we never seem to spot it."
Najenda: "Leone active your Emperial arms."
Me: "You got it boss!"

I was send to do recon and search the area for my friends. I've been searching for almost half an hour.


As I walk in frustration, the ground started breaking apart, making hole wide enough for me to fall. I kept rolling bumping against rocks and roots. I finally stop falling.

Me: "Owwwwww... That really really hurt dammit... Where am I?"

I look around and it looks like a giant cave, and to my surprise, there it was, the abandoned factory.

Me: "Woohooo, finall-"

I hear a footstep from inside the factory. I didn't wanted to wait for the rest, so I went to the factory. I climb a catwalk, and walk silently to a window. I open it and slip in, the reeks a bit of blood, but His scent is stronger.

Me: "I know you're in here, and you know I'm in here as well, so just come out and fight me."

I look around at the factory, seeing machines around, and a room with a window. I jump off from the cat walk and walk to center of the factory.

(Y/n) pov
As I watch her from the shadows, looking and smelling around to see if there are others. After awhile I decided to go down and fight her. I jump to the floor, cracking it.

Me: "Good job finding my den... Kitty."
Leone: "Ever since that time, I wanted to beat you up so bad."
Me: "I guess the feeling is kinda mutual, difference is that I want to fight you for fun. And please don't hold back, it'd be pretty boring."
Leone: "Wouldn't dream of it, the other said to take it easy on you, but they're not here."
Me: "Good."

There was tension in the air. She got into fighting stance, while I got on all fours. We charge at eachother, our fists clash together, creating a shock wave. I grab her wrist and threw her at the wall. She burst out the building, having a rough landing. I went through the hole in the wall, seeing her struggle to get up. I charge at her once again, this time hitting her in the stomach using my forearm as a ram. She coughed up a bit of blood, still having her on my forearm I drag her until making her crash against a wall. I backed away letting her fall to ground coughing.

Me: "I thought you were a worthy opponent. But I guess I was wrong, you're just weak prey like the rest..."
Leone: "Don't... Count me out... Just yet... I can still fight..."
Me: "Get up then."

She was slowly getting up, struggling with all the damage she has taken. She was trembling, but standing ready to fight.

Leone: "Don't underestimate me... Wolfy..."
Me: "...What..."

Tatsumi's pov
Me: "It's been some time since Leone arrived from recon."
Mine: "She's probably fine."
Najenda: "I'm getting a bad feeling."

The ground started rumbling beneath our feet, it almost felt like a small earthquake.

Bulat: "Over there!"

Akame ga kill! Leone x Wolf male reader. Kitty and wolfy!Where stories live. Discover now