A Fairy's Memory

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I wake up in an alley. My head is pounding and i'm bleeding heavily from a deep cut in my left arm. Where am i? Ugh. I didn't want to think right now. Got to stop the bleeding.... Pain was shooting up my arm all the way to my shoulder. I ripped a strip of cloth from the bottom of my shirt, and flinch when it comes in contact with the expsed flesh. I tied it tight around my arm and shakily stood up. The throbbing in my head got worse with each step. Now i have to find out where i am. I walk out from the alley into the street. I couldn't remember anything that happened.....or almost anything. I staryed to panic. Ok, ok. Calm down, what do I remember...? Right!! My name, my name is Teru Mikazaki, I'm, um, 15, and my birthday is.....Nov. 5. I sigh. I guess that's all I can remeber for now. I look down at my arm. The blood had long started bleeding through the cloth. I need to treat this. And sit down somewher and get myself together. I walk down the street towards a little coffe shop, Magnolia Coffe and Tea. My stomach growls making me realize how hungry I am. I search my pockets and find a bit of money. I buy a hot chocolate and a brownie. I walk out of the shop and down the street, stumbling a bit. I started to feel really dizzy from blood loss. I look up at the building in front of me. Fairy Tail......What a wierd name....And then my vision fades and I collapse.

            A Home of fairies

                P.O.V of Teru

i wake up in a bed, suddenly confused, I jolt up, trying to figure out where i am. The room was empty, and there was no pain in my arm. I quickly lift it too look at it and it's completely healed. What--- and where am I?! Quickly getting up, I hear the door creaking open. I turn my head sharply too see a silver haired girl wearing a pink dress and a short blue haired child with a white exceed. “Oh! Are you feeling better? You gave us quite a scare when Gray found you outside the guild!“ the silver haired girl said walking towards me. “Um.........Thank you for taking care of me!“ I say loudly, embarresed. “And not to be rude.....but, WHO ARE YOU?“ I say a bit adruptly. The girl's expression showed a little shock, but then she smiled. “I'm Mirajane. And she *Mirajane motioned to the girl with blue hair* is Wendy, the one who healed you.“ “Um, h-hello!“ Wendy stuttered. i need to leave......i have to get somewhere and sort my thoughts........ “Yes, thank you for the healing. Now I whould go.....“ I say walking towards the door. “Ah, wait a minute...!“ Mirajane says as I walk out. I don't stop and I walk out into a large area of a guild. “You wanna go?!“ a boy with dark hair and only boxers on yells. “You talkin' to me DROOPY EYES?!“ a boy with pink hair and a checkered scarf yells back. Then suddenly a girl with brown hair drinking from a barrel yells almost casualy, “Gray!! Your clothes.“ Gray looked down surprised. I mean come on......He didn't he noticed he stripped?! A girl in armor and red hair walked up to the two boys. “NATSU! GRAY! STOP IT!!“ she yells whacking them on the head. “Ye-Yess ma'am!“ Natsu and Gray yell in unison. Wow. Is she really that powerful? Or are they just weak? I snap out of my thoughts and keep walking toward the door, just to be stopped by a blonde haired girl. What now?!

                  P.O.V of Lucy

I see a girl I've never seen before walking towards the door. Curious I stop her. “Hi! I'm Lucy. Are you new?“ I look at her trying to see if she had the fairy mark. The girl had Dark straight hair and red, cold eyes. She was wearing black pants with a chain to one side, a camo-shirt with one sleeve ripped and a black jacket with a hood. Maybe i shouldn't have stopped her...... The girl looked at me, bowing her head a bit she, “Hello.“ Just then, Mira came running up behind her. “Wait! i wanted to ask you-“ she was cut off as a table came flying at the girl with red eyes. The girl stopped the table and it dropped to the floor. As it fell I saw the girl's eyes turn to gold and then i heard a growl and, “Who threw that?“

A Fairy's Memory (GrayxOc)Where stories live. Discover now