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P.O.V. Of Teru

I sat up, jerking myself out of an uncomfortable sleep, sweat pouring down me though I was freezing. I glanced around the room hugging myself to keep warm, trying to block out the dream I kept having. It was us again; the blonde boy...No, Sting..I corrected myself, and I running from something, him telling me we were almost there, me thinking we had to get out of 'this' whatever it was, and then it ended. I looked at the set up of the room again. It was a hotel room, I was sleeping in the corner with Erza right of me, Natsu to the right of her, and Lucy on the bed (opposite end of the room than me) with Natsu cuddled up close to it with happy.Then I looked in front of me towards the wall across from me, the side with the door where Gray was in the corner in front of me then to the left was a mage with darker hair than Gray, "Rouge" I thought and "Fro" I recalled their names, then "Lector" and......I paused. A feeling of emptiness forming in my stomach and the feeling when your about to say something, but "POOF!!" the words disappear and your left with the feeling of missing something but not being able to recall the words anyway. I thought back to yesterday, how three girls, three cats, and four guys ended up sharing a room in a hotel. I thought back to when Sting, his face a mix of surprise and pain, said my name. "Teru.." He said. I stood there. This guy knew me. I thought to myself for a moment then suddenly I was scared. I stood in panic, wondering how I should act. Then, a question popped into my head that I had never thought of before. 'How did I act?' I nearly shuddered, the question looming over me, suffocating my mind. I looked at the blonde. Another mixed look appeared on his face when he saw my expression before again asking "Teru?" Then again more anxious, "Teru??" He made a move towards me and I stumbled back a bit. "Hey!" Natsu yelled, catching me. I flinched, realizing what a mess I was. I stood, gathering my balance, glancing at the blonde mage, then at the ground before confessing a blunt "Sorry, I don't remember." It was vague but I figured he must have a right to know. Unless I hated him. I joked to myself halfheartedly. "Huh-" he started, but was cut off by a sudden cough. We turned to Gray, realizing everyone was staring at us. "We're here too." Gray said, not looking at us. I flushed a bit and tore my attention away from the blonde. "A-anyway we need to go." I demanded crossing my arms. "Teru..." The mage started, "You don't know who I am, do you?" He asked, his face a dark and serious look. I bit my lip, for some reason I felt like I was being put on the spot. I opened my mouth, then jolted. What is this? A feeling I couldn't quite lable had risen (not that that was unusual). I had forgotten Him....why? Why can't I remember?! Who was he to me? How does he know me? I hadn't thought about how others would feel about this amnesia. What's he thinking? Feeling? Remembering? My mind was screaming this at me. I then noticed everyone was silent, waiting for me to reply. Awkward. I thought to myself before I inhaled deeply. Looking up and staring the blondie down with a new fire in my eyes. If he really is the boy in my dream- I stopped my thought. No...its different from that. I corrected myself in my head. I felt a compelling feeling, something calling me, ever since I had laid eyes on the blonde mage. I was confident, and was going too tell him! I opened my mouth once again. "Listen-" but was cut off once again by Gray. "Hey, Sting." The shirtless mage called. "Can this wait? Its late." Gray asked cooly, sounding completely uninterested by what was unfolding. "Ah he's right." Erza commented. "I'm so tired." Lucy complained. An 'aye!' Came from Happy and Erza nodded. "Alright! Let's go to an inn." The flash back ended as I sighed. I still don't understand how they ended up staying with us. I stared at Sting. Everyone's still sleeping, I realized, looking around the crouded room. Standing up, I decided to make a trip to the bathroom. Carefully placed steps led me to the door, right next to Sting. I smirked, proud of myself for not stepping on anyone and waking them up. Quietly I turned the handle and crept out of the room. A few minutes later after I had found the bathroom I started to head back to the room. Then, stopped dead in my tracks."Eh?" I murmured. Darkness formed around the edge of my vision, slowly covering my whole vision, whole eyes. Finding the wall with an outstretched hand I slid down it, not trusting myself to stand. Haha. I can't see! I thought in lunacy, almost cackling, mad with fear. I put my hand on my face as if I didn't trust it to be there. A voice shocked me out of my moment of insanity. "Teru..?" Stings voice came from above me. I looked up instinctively, but of course I didn't see him. Fear stepping up a few notches, I closed my eyes and reaponded "Uh..yep?" my face still focused towards him, or at least I thought so. I heard what I thought might be a small gasp come from him. "You can't see, is that it?" He asked. ".....yeah." My voice cracked, I was slightly shaking too. I didn't know what expression he had, but his hand took mine and helped me up. He grasped my hand tightly, and asked referring to my sight, "Do you remember this?" I guess he caught on a bit about my case. I told him I didn't and about how I woke up in Magnolia, then joined Fairy Tail when they had said they'd help me with my memory. Naturally, I left out Gray. Sting quietly listened to me, then only said we were back at the room. I laid down next to sting with his help, feeling safe for the first time in what seemed like forever. I closed my eyes, not that it mattered, and immediately the dream was back. I twisted and turned, but stopped when I felt comforting warmth on my head. Sting put his hand on my head, calming me down. It was embarrassing, but somehow familiar and I finally fell into a peaceful sleep.

P.O.V. of Gray

I laid on my side, resting my head on my hand with my elbow out. God, today sucked. I said in my head, rethinking the day's events. I was annoyed how easily Teru had been willing to tell Sting everything, and I had no idea what so ever on how to feel about Sting actually knowing her. I really needed to talk to Teru, I thought frustrated. We had not been on good terms since before she had joined the guild, without telling me, I angrily thought. Suddenly I heard a footstep near my head and froze. Teru...! I watched her walk out the room with a stupidly proud look on her face. Once the door closed behind her, I sat up, thankful she didn't notice me. I jerked my head to my left shocked to see Sting also awake. We stared at each other. "Gray." He said seriously. I just stared at him. "Her memory, you seem like you know. How much is gone?" Sting asked, serious look in his eyes unchanging. "I don't know ask her." My answer, stubborn. "Gray." He said once again, louder and more stern. I was a bit taken aback, I never saw Sting with a look this dead serious and it surprised me. What was his connection with her? I wondered. Turning my head away I replied, "All of it, besides her name I guess." Unless she's hiding something. I added in my head. Turning my head back to Sting to see his reaction, he gritted his teeth, making a mixed look. "Sti-" I was about to ask about him and Teru, but he stood up adrubtlyand left the room. "....what's up with that?" I murmured annoyed, laying back down as he left the room. It was complete silence until Sting came back, holding Teru's hand. Bewildered, I pretended to sleep. Once again I was completely shocked as she laid down next to Sting, and sat up to look at them, wondering if my tired mind was playing tricks on me. When I did, my mind went blank. His hand was on her head and she was fast asleep. My cheeks turned red with anger. I didn't really know what to do but I did know that I couldn't stay in this room. Getting up, I left, the door opening for the fourth time that night.

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