Did that happen?

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               P.O.V. Of Teru

   I fell, my knees hitting dirt and rock. "Ow……" I stand up, barely fazed, but knowing I had to keep going. "Almost there!" A whisper came from beside me. I turned to the blonde haired kid next to me, feeling calmer now. "Yeah." I answer him. Looking over his face at the scrapes and cuts. 'I gotta make sure we get out of this……' I thought silently, turning foward again.

I gasp for breath, jerking upward into a sitting position. Oh……I think, realizing I'm in a bed. A……dream? I was as confused as ever. I was drenched in sweat and my head hurt. Great way to wake up. I sigh. Then I look around. Then I panic. "Where am I?! How'd I get here?! What the fuck is going on?!" The questions poured out of me, quickly, one right after the other into the empty room. "Hold on a sec…" I looked around the room again, it hitting me, making me feel sick. I knew this room. Once again, I was in Fairy Tail. "Great, how'd I end up here this time?" I mutter in agitation, sliding out of the sweaty bed. Suddenly, a wet towel plopped into my lap. I feel my forehead, and felt a cold rectangle patch on my head the shape of the towel, where it must have been placed. Someone must have been taking care of me huh? I take a sharp intake of breath, cringing at my new found knowing how much I'm starting to owe this guild. I took a few steps, opened the door, and walked into the crouded main hall. Thoughts of the looks they had given me before crept into my mind. "Teru!" I hear a shout from my left to see a boy with only pants and no shirt on. Shocked, I took a step back, it was the boy that pulled me through the streets that one time. "Uh, yes?" I said awkward and suspicious. "Your okay to get up? You had me worried back there." Gray said, his eyes did have worry in them, and his words sounded genuine. But I didn't get it. "'Back there'?" I asked, half talking to myself. He paused, then responded, "Yeah, last night. You know, when we were talking." I stayed silent. "After you fought Natsu?" He added after my pause, suspicioun creeping into his voice. "I don't know what you're talking about. The last time I saw you, let alone talk to you was when you were running away from Miss Heart-Eyes." I said curtly. What is this fool talking about? Anyway I need to ask how I ended up here some how……The mage looked surprised and kinda taken aback. Okay, guess I need to ask someone else. I turn, deciding I wouldn't get anything useful out of him. Seeing a girl who had taken care of me the first time i was here, i walked up to the bar. "Um, hey……Mira?" I say over the noise of a fight that had broken out. She turned, her hair flowing as she did. "Ah! Teru! How are you feeling?" She said, her expression lighting up. "I'm fine, thanks. Did you take care of me again?" I force the question out, knowing she'd say yes anyway. "Yes! I'm just glad your better though. Erza and Natsu were so shocked when Gray brought you in." The mage said, reaching down to pick up a finished mug of beer. "Actually about that-" I started, only to be interuppted. "Hey!! You!!" A pink haired boy came rushing at me. He stopped a couple feet away. God, help me so if I am stopped again. Or the other person. I snickered, praising my cleverness. "I wanna

rematch!!" Natsu yelled, making me realize how simple minded he must be. "Wait……huh?" I said dumbly, regretting my choice of words. "Fight me again!!" He yelled fists balled up and on fire. Fight? Did I fight him?? When?! Suddenly someones voice replayed in my head, me only actually processing the words now. "After you fought Natsu?" Gray's voice repeated in my mind. "…Did that really happen?" I mumbled out loud as Natsu got more impatient. "Of course it did you-" His sentence not being able to finish as the doors opened and four people walked in. Only one caught my eye. He walked in ahead of the other three, and was pretty tall. But that wasn't what I was noticing, I was staring at his hair. "Laxus welcome back!" Mira called. He glanced at her. "Yeah." He responded a bit dully, expression unchanging. I walked toward him, past Natsu who was looking like he was itching to fight that guy too. Closer now, I stare at his hair. Blonde. Could he be………the boy from my…dream…?

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