Mission One

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                   P.O.V. of Teru
How did it end up like this? I thought to myself already feeling my energy draining. It was a stretch going on a mission with Natsu, but now this?! I sighed, trudging down a road with Natsu, Lucy, Gray, and Erza behind me. And why did he come?! I wondered angrily gazing at the dark hair mage that was silently walking along with the group. He looked up, making eye contact with me, but I immediatly broke it by jerking my head back foward. "So why'd you pick this job?" Lucy asked, catching up to me and reffering to the monster extermination job I had chosen. "There was another acting request!!" She added whining again. I side glanced at her and then muttered, "I didn't make you come…… or ask you to." I paused irritation getting the better of me. "Actually, why are all of you even here!!" I yelled, but felt guilt once I heard what left my mouth. "Huh?" Erza responded. "Why wouldn't we be here?" She questioned like an airhead. Ew, don't act stupid. I thought spitefully, even though I knew I didn't mean it. I sighed, forgetting about my question and just speeding my pace up. "Hey! I smell people!" Natsu shouted happily. I guessed he meant the town was close by and matched his sprint foward. Sure enough, we were at the entrence of a bustling town in only a few moments. Natsu excitedly scanned the first set of shops, then perking up as he said something about food and ran off with Happy. "Hey! Natsu!! We have a job to do!!!" I called after him. Lucy put a hand on my shoulder, "He'll be more serious after he eats I'm sure……" She trailed off as if trying to reassure herself. Then my stomach growled. I blushed a deep red at the noise and held my stomach. The three mages left just kinda stared at me until Erza broke the silence by offering we all eat first then make a plan.    "……Sounds okay to me." I murmered when Erza turned to me for aproval giving in to my growling stomach. We entered a resteraunt, finding that a certain fire mage and blue cat had already started their meal, savagley eating meat and fish as other customers started moving to the other side of the resteraunt. "Natsu, don't run off to eat on missions!" Lucy said, embarrased. "Oh, don't worry Lucy! We saved you some!" He yelled happily with a closed eyed grin. "That's not the problem……" Lucy sighed, but I saw  her eat what he saved her anyway as we all sat down. It was a bit cramped with me, Lucy, and Natsu to one side. Gray and Erza to the other I realized, making a 'tch' sound with my tounge. Only three minutes in our table had plates stacked three feet high, the waiters not being able to do anything about it quick enough. Suddenly, a huge crash and boom sounded. We all looked at each other, then ran outside. A creature about the size of a house who looked half dog half lizard. It was pretty damn weird. I pulled out the request poster and matched the monster on it. "Yep, this is  the one!!" I yelled. They all got ready, but suddenly I stopped them, "Wait……… let me go for a minute." They all paused, They better have paused, I thought, Who's mission do they think it is? I thought sassily. I ran towards the monster, dodging a scaley paw, then jumping. My jump  placed me in mid-air in front of it's face, so i planted a strong kick on the side of its face, sending it back a bit as it hissed in pain. "Go!" I screamed to the other mages. Then I started to fall. "Shit." I said plainly as I watched Erza, Nastu, and some crab simultaineously attacked the creature. I squeezed my eyes shut and covered my face, but when I thought I'd hit the ground I felt a person instead. I took my  hands off  my face and looked up. Gray looked down at me, then for the first time talked to me. "Don't jump that high if you can't land." He said. My blush faded, the look on my face revealing a tiny frown. Moment riuined. I though turning my face away. "Fine." I said as he put me down. "Thanks." I stated walking away without  turning around. "Teru!" He called. Even through my anger I blused. I turned around and stared him down. "Uh, um, ……nevermind." Gray backed out. I turned back around curtly. Walking back to the others.

                         P.O.V. of Gray

I watched Teru as she walked towards Erza, Natsu, Happy, and Lucy. I couldn't put a finger on my emotions. It all started when she joined the guild and gave me the cold shoulder. No, I thought pausing, It was before that when she started avoiding eye contact …… I trailed off. "Arrgg…" I said, running a hand through my hair. And I just keep getting all wierd. I thought to myself thinking back to when I caught her. I really just wanted to say I was worried…… I added in my head. "Heeyy!! Ice-brain, we're leaving!!" Natsu called out. I glared at him as I caught up to the gang. We headed out of the town back to the train after we collected the money, though it all went to Teru. We didn't actually destroy anything. I marveled at this fact. Once we were on the train again, Erza and Natsu took up a booth as Lucy, Teru and I sat in the other, tension between me and her clear. She immediatly shut me out by turning her back to me completly and starting a conversation with Lucy. Soon after, Natsu had passed out from motion sickness, Lucy was snoring incredibly loud, and Erza was sitting straight up with her eyes closed. I sighed and turned my head to look at Teru. Her head was tilted to the side and her eyes were closed in mock sleep. I kinda just sat there looking at her. It went on a good couple minutes of staring in the silence of our booth until I realized this made me seem like a creep, blushing, and scratching the side of my head realived no one opened there eyes.

                       P.O.V. of Teru

My face felt hot as i struggled not to open my eyes. I could still feel Gray's stare, even though it had been a few minutes since I had opened my eye, just enough to be able to make out where the ice mage's eyes were falling. And it was on me. I tried to look like I was fast asleep, but I was almost 100% sure it looked unnatutal. My face probably being as red as my guild mark doesn't help either. I added in my head inwardly sighing at the truth of my comment, but also relishing th fact I had a guild mark on my neck. Suddenly, the train jerked to a stop, sending me and Lucy foward. "Oof……" I said as I tried to sit up, realizing I had fell on Erza. "Sorry!" I apologized hurridly before standing. The scarlet mage replied with a cool "Not at all" and turned to look at Natsu who was marveling at the fact the ride didn't last forever. We all got off the train, following Natsu's run off the vehicle. As the train departed I looked at Gray, making eye contact. He parted his lips to say something, but a sudden voice made our heads turn. "Ah, Natsu-san!!" A blonde man walked up to our group. "Sabertooth." Gray said in surprise referring to the group of four. I studied them, a black haired mage, a red cat, a cat- no wait maybe a frog, and a blonde. My brain played a sudden flashback of my dream/memory thing. It was him. His eyes met mine, surprise washed over his face. "Teru……" The blonde sabertooth stated as everyone looked at him in surprise. Not knowing what to do, I just stood there.

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