The Beginning

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Pic ^ is of Elvira~~~~

I had my hands clenched into fists, tightly. Mimi had wet my notebooks again just to spite me. Now I would have to buy a new one, which would, in fact, be the eighth book this month.

She was jumping on my nerves, and I had, had enough of her bitchy ways. What did I do to deserve this? I didn't do anything wrong.

Well, besides messing with magic, which by the way was an accident.

"What are you going to do Elvira, hit me?" Mimi asked.

Oh, I was planning something worse. Maybe a curse would be right; I could turn Mimi into a snake that she was, or maybe I could just walk away and not let her get to me. I'm not a violent person, but if it were Mimi, I wouldn't mind spilling some blood or breaking a few bones.

"Oh, you wouldn't dare thinking of hit me because the one you're a sore loser and two you're too wussy to do anything to me," she said, mocking me.

I did what my therapist had told me to do: I took four deep breaths, clenched and unclenched my fists a few times, thought about my situation, and then I looked at my problem as if it was a blessing. For the first time, it worked.

I picked up my backpack and took out my notebook; It wasn't so bad even though it was completely soaked. Maybe I could use a hair dryer to dry out the wet pages. I flipped through the notebook to see that one of the pages was missing. A very relevant page.

Could this day get any worse?

It took me days to find that, and I was going to go to the cemetery today so I could resurrect a spirit.

Suddenly, I heard a chuckle coming from someone behind me. I turn around to find Cassius, the hottest, most popular guy in school. I'm not into guys with blonde hair and blue eyes, but on Cassius, it looked good. It took me a quick couple of seconds to notice that he had the paper that I'd thought I lost in his hand.

"Give it back, or I swear-" I started to say, but he cut me off.

"Or, you swear you'll put a spell on me?" He asked.

"Maybe," I mumbled.

I hated the teasing about magic. No one knew I could do magic, except Jett, who hated my guts because of it. Maybe if they could see what I was capable, then they wouldn't be teasing me about it.

When I saw that he wasn't going to give me back my paper, I did the riskiest thing. Using an incantation spell I had memorized, I was able to make the paper fly out of his hand, and into mine. A surprised expression took over his features, I smirked. Even though I couldn't let people know about my gift, it did satisfy me to see people try to understand what wasn't understandable.

I walked out of school feeling a little better than before. There was a short cut to the cemetery that I took every day, so it didn't take me long to get to where I was going.

I looked into my backpack hoping that the water didn't get to the things that I needed for the spell. Luckily, I had put them in a plastic bag just in case if Mimi was going put water in it. I chose Deyanira's gravestone. I took out a few candles because it was already getting dark out. I crossed my legs right in front of the grave clearing my mind, so I wouldn't be distracted when I cast the spell.

I was drawn to Deyanira's grave. Her story was pretty sad. She was a witch who was burned at the stake when people from our town found out that she and her sisters were witches. Her sisters got away but died a few days later because of the hunters, but before she could die she cast a curse that she and her sisters would rise again. It was almost laughable, but yet it was likely to happen since she was one heck of a powerful witch.

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