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Pic ^ is of Jett~~~~

I haven't seen Jett all day. Did Deyanira kill him without me knowing? Also, why couldn't I find my English homework? I had a sneaky suspicion that Mimi and Cassius had something to do with my homework. Does this torture always have to happen to me? Why not someone who deserves it?

'Why don't you curse them or pass this torture to someone else like you want?' I hear a voice in my head say, but it wasn't mine.

I was genuinely tempted to do just that, but I was stronger than the temptation. Besides, it won't solve anything, and messing with dark magic was dangerous; punishable by death or eternal misery. I read a lot about dark magic to know that transferring pain would kill me or someone who was happy with their life.

I then noticed that I was standing right dab the middle of the class stared at by my great classmates. I was emotionless, deep in thought wondering about what the voice had said.

"Ms. Conner is there a reason why you're standing in the middle of my class, like a statue?" Mr. Cunliffe said with a hint of annoyance in his voice.

I didn't mind what Mr. Cunliffe said; I was too busy trying to ignore the snickers from the other students. Through the entire class, I was thinking about Jett. I didn't know why I was thinking of a guy who was disgusted by me and wanted to kill me. A few annoying and agonizing classes later it was time for lunch. I took this chance to look for Jett to explain to him why a witch who was supposed to be dead was now out of her grave doing whatever she was now doing.

To my surprise, he was at my usual table waiting for me with my friends giving him bewildered looks. When I saw him turn to me as I sat down, I noticed that he still had the nasty cut that Deyanira gave him the other day. I also noticed that a lot of Jett's friends who might be hunters as well were staring at me. I wonder If he had talked to them about Deyanira.

I looked at my food, not wanting to look at anyone's eyes at the moment. I could feel Jett staring daggers at me. When I looked up, I saw that my friends had left me at the table to face the formidable Jett alone. I start wringing my fingers together feeling nervous. I was not nervous because he could kill me, I was nervous because of my forbidden crush for him; maybe even more than I liked Cassius.

"Do you have any idea what you have done?" He asked angrily.

I instantly felt ashamed. I knew I had freed a witch who didn't like humans much, had a violent nature (that I, unfortunately, witnessed first hand). Still, that did not give him the right to talk to me as if I started the chaos in Pompeii or something.

'Oh, dear sister. You did cause Pompeii to fall, and what a sight it was to see my sister grow in her wicked ways. Our sisters were very proud and will be proud when they awake,' I hear the voice who I assume now is Deyanira's say.

I chose to ignore her voice; it has been giving me bad advice all day. I didn't want her to ruin what I had with Jett even though what I had with him is a one-way love and one-way dislike. Still wringing my fingers, I don't say anything, not trusting my voice at all.

"You need to get rid of Deyanira What you did is unforgivable in the law of the hunters, but...I will let you off the hook if you help dispose of that foul demon." He walked off not letting me say a word.


It has has been awhile since I worked on this, so here you go. Also vote if you like it, comment, and give me advice thank you.

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