Going To Party

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The dresses^~~~~

I stood there waiting for an answer from Jett. I still felt the hot electricity going through, but now it was faint. I never knew that I could get so intense over a boy, a boy who would slit my throat if he wanted to and I didn't doubt that he wouldn't

He didn't say anything but stare at all of us. He mostly stared at me, though, assessing me with those judgmental eyes.

"I don't care for dates but sure," he said with a frown.

My heart just shattered right there and then. Have you ever had that moment when your heart seems to stop beating, when it appears to be screaming from being splitting apart, and just turn to darkness and ice? That's how I felt only a hundred times worse. I didn't know what came over me, but all I knew was that my fist was flying at Deyanira.

Sadly and not so sadly I accidentally hit Mimi. She was on the floor, but I didn't care, my eyes were concentrated on getting back at Dey.

I was still trying to fight her when Jett and Cassius grabbed me. I could have easily paralyzed them both, but that means I will have to use my powers, and now that I think about it, the more I feel the power around me not being used the more of the urge I have to use it. It was like it needed to be used or it would just consume me.

I looked like a deranged animal, and Dey seemed happy about it. I suddenly realized that Jett was touching me. My knees felt like macaroni only because he was touching me, and was still touching me. All the fight just went out of me, and I felt my power dissipate.

It took me awhile to notice that everyone one was staring at me and giving me the WTF look. I am usually in-tune with my relaxed side, but at moments a burst of anger will just explode.

I brush off my jacket and say,"well if Dey is going to the party so am I."

I was surprised when I didn't see any signs of protest. I grab Dey, and we start to head home. We arrived back, and the first thing I did was go to my closet searching its contents. Some were too bubbly some were too dark, and some were too dull for my taste. I let out a disappointed sigh because I didn't want to do what I might have to do. With Deyanira following me I head up to the attic.

In the attic, it had the most prized possessions I had ever had. The floor filled with things that I've searched my hold life for were scattered everywhere. The items were mostly: Candles made from expensive materials, a Book of Shadows that cost way more than it looked, crystals from the dead that took me a year and my full allowance worth, and last but not least the finest jewelry and ingredients money could buy.

I also had the most expensive and stylish clothes ever up in here. I have saved them up here for years always making sure that I can fit in them and that they were always neat for special occasions. I was a little bit of a perfectionist but who wasn't at times. I could feel Dey's surprise as she came into the room.

I looked at a beautiful pink lacy dress with a brown belt at the waist. It was cute but as much as I hate to say it will look better on Dey, sadly. Without even giving her a heads up I threw the dress at her. She was caught off guard, but she was still able to stop it in midair.

While she was looking at it with admiration, I was looking for my dress for the party. I search and search until I was able to find one of my dreams.

It was a beautiful blue with floral patterns. My eyes were drawn to it like a moth to a flame. I found some shoes for me and Dey to wear and in the matter of seconds we were dressed to impress.

She gave me a thumbs up when she saw me walk out in the dress. What in the hell was wrong with her. First, it seems like she is ruining my life, and then all of a sudden I will see a spark of sisterly love come from her. I gave her a glare and just sat on my couch. Apparently, Cassius was taking Dey and me to the party; only he was taking me reluctantly and her willingly.

It honestly didn't matter as long as I made sure that Mimi didn't sink her claws in Jett. Cassius was half an hour late, and that ticked me off because I don't like being late.

Only God knows what Mimi might be doing to Jett by now at this exact moment. When he came knocking on the doors, I swung it open knocking him backward. I just looked at him sending a middle finger before I storm to his car, also while ignoring his cursing's at me. Sure it was rude but did it look like a gave a flying duck what happened to his pretty boy facade.

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