Meeting Deyanira

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Pic ^ is of Deyanira~~~~

I started saying the incantation, already feeling power surge up within me. The wind around me began to pick up, blowing out my candles. Lightning hit a tree near the grave, and the ground around me began to shake. After I had finished the spell, I was very confused. Nothing had happened. There was no spirit, just a now burned up tree, but I knew I had said the right spell. I knew I was frustrated with myself because the ground around me turned pitch black.

I Was not happy that the spell hadn't worked. I kicked the gravestone out of anger, and that's when it all happened. A dark shadow slithered out of the ground. I did the only thing that came to mind at that moment: I screamed, accidently making the sky turn darker (if that was possible). I watched, horrified, as the shadow started to turn into a humanoid shape. The shadow had sharp teeth that barely fit its mouth, long black hair, long nails that were tinted black, and crimson red eyes. It looked more like a demon than a spirit.

I tried to walk away, slowly, but she sensed me. With the incredible speed, she had me in her grasp, lifting me above ground, choking me. She was not a spirit. For a moment I saw a dangerous look in her eyes, but then her eyes softened, turning into a dark sparkling blue, like mine. I fell on my bottom still in shock due to what had just happened.

"Sister I'm so sorry I did not even recognize you. I guess it's just been such a long time since I've seen you, being inside of a grave for a century can do that to you. To think that I've been a witch for millenniums, yet I still haven't learned how to keep my anger under control. You must admit, though, that village deserved it, calling me a demon as if I could be something as vile as that. Well, that doesn't matter. What is important now is that I'm back." The girl said.

This girl thought she was my sister, but she can't be because I'm an only child. I don't have a mother, only a father. He would have told me if I had a sister. Besides, I would know if my sister was the famous witch Deyanira If this woman was even her.

"What are you talking about?" I asked, confused.

Deyanira stared back at me, equally confused. I scooted back a little, afraid that she might try to strangle me again. Her eyes suddenly flashed a brilliant red, but thankfully it wasn't me she was looking at, it was someone behind me. I was about to turn around, but I felt something sharp pressing into my neck.

"Don't move, Elvira. Or you'll regret it." A voice said.

I didn't move a muscle; I didn't think Deyanira did or would either. She looked like she could burn down ten towns with a single flip of her hands. Why did this happen when all I wanted to do was call up a spirit? I was pulled up to my feet, not very gently. Then I was thrown to the side, impacting a tree.

My head started to spin with dizziness; I couldn't see much. What I saw shocked me. Jett had a rather big sword pointed at Deyanira. I knew he was a witch hunter since the last time I confronted him about it, but I didn't realize that he would put a sword to my neck. No matter how much he hated me. Right at that moment, I was more worried about Deyanira than I was myself. For some reason, I believed she was telling me the truth.

Jett was walking around her, and sword prepared to kill. It was funny how a simple looking sword kept me still. I felt outraged. I got up, still a little dizzy. I tried to walk over to Jett, Only to fall back down.

"Do you seriously think that a sword can kill me?" Deyanira asked, mockingly.

"This sword is filled with enough tainted magic to kill you, wench. Or should I say demon?"

That dangerous glint in her eye reappeared. Jett then lunged at her cutting her a little on the arm. I watched, astonished, as Deyanira's skin began bubbling up. She screamed in pain, and then she too lunged at him, clawing at his face. Jett fell, clenching his cheek. I was finally able to get up to stop her from doing any more damage to him.

"We have to go now!" I said.

She looked at me as if I had distracted her from doing something important. When I noticed her eyes turn back to blue, I urged her to run. We ran as far away from Jett as possible.

It didn't take long to get to my house. We went into the living room. That's when everything went black.


I edited my story so that it was more pleasing to you guys. I hope you enjoy it.

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