Part 2

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Crimson Confidante

England x Vampire! Reader

Ch.2 - Confrontation

Death felt warm and cozy. Death smelled like violets and lemons. Death was dark though, so terribly dark. But it was made of the softest and silkiest substances he had ever felt. But if Arthur Kirkland was dead, why did he feel like it was time to open his eyes and shut the blinds to stop the rays of sunlight pouring into his eyes.

Curiously, the blond gent did just that, opening his closed emerald orbs slowly, trying to determine if he was dreaming the events from last night or pasted onto a higher place. From what it seemed like, he was still alive, or at least he thought.

Hesitantly taking his hands up toward his mouth he opened the aforementioned body part and breathed in. Taking a shaky breath he touched his pointer fingers on both hands each on one of his canine teeth. Moving his delicate and sore fingers up and down the teeth he tried to find some inconsistency or growth in them.

None appeared to be there and he sighed in relief, seeing as he was still a human and still alive. At least for now...

While he was calm for a second, a deep and loud fear rang through his body as he soon realized the predicament he was in: alone in a possible dangerous maniacs room. His jacket with his phone was gone and he had no idea where he was.

Arthur rose from the bed within a second, kicking the blankets away from his body and moving toward the window in an attempt to try to see if he recognized where he was.

To his surprise and terror, he was in a tall, a very tall, apartment complex, maybe 10 stories above the ground. His idea of crawling down the window was now thrown out the window. There goes that plan A.

Plan B was to sneak out before his assailant returned to finish her job or whatever evil thing she had planned for him. Arthur moved away from the window and attempted to move quietly to the door. He was nearly there when a soft knocking came from it.

Scared out of his wits by the sudden and unexpected noise, he fell backward and bumped his head onto the nightstand, rubbing his cheek against a sharp corner as he did so.

Suddenly the door was slammed open by his loud yelp and the noise that followed. Arthur's eyes flashed open in panic as he saw the vampire from the night before appear now in full broad daylight.

His hand went up defensively and he imagined that if he could see himself now, he would look somewhat like a scared cat arching it's back from a sudden loud noise. Panic set in as he realized and felt a thin trail of crimson trail down his bleeding cheek: he was going to die now for sure.

The vampire knelt down slowly besides him, a small white tissue clasped in her hand. She delicately touched his cheek like he was a fragile doll and wiped away the liquid from his skin.

While she was working on cleaning his wound, Arthur had finally relaxed enough to take a good long look at his attacker from the night before. Though it had been dark, he knew it was her: same flowery and citrus smell. She was pale, her (skin color) skin looking to not have been outside much, or due to her being undead. Her light and crystal clear (eye color) eyes were no longer red like the night before, making her look human. As she moved her hand away with the bloodied tissue, she clasped her free hand onto his arm and helped pull him up onto the bed so he was not trapped in the corner like an animal.

He could feel her soft (hair color) locks rub against his skin as she moved him comfortably. Her hair was no longer bloodied either, as his crimson liquid from the night before could no longer be seen on her body, nor her (hair length) strands. When she had finished moving him the vampiress glanced at the blond human male on the bed in front of her.

England x Vampire!Reader- Crimson ConfidanteWhere stories live. Discover now