Part 5

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Crimson Confidante

England x Vampire! Reader

Ch.5- Face Off

The tucked in shoulders and his hands hidden in his pockets showed off the shady figure walking down the halls of the hospital. His glasses were taken off, placed delicately in his shirt pocket, so he would not lose the object so carelessly.

Crystal exited the desired patient's room and nearly bumped into the taller male as she did so. She blinked her brown orbs and locked onto the visitor's blue ones. Her shocked face from the sudden contact disappeared and she instead plastered a smile on her face.

"Oh Alfred!" She spoke happily. "I didn't know you were visiting today."

The taller boy laughed. "Yeah, one of my classes canceled so I thought I'd come here for a bit and see how my brother's doing."

Crystal adjusted her outfit, the standard nurse's uniform complete with the ugly sneakers and scratchy purple shirt and pants. Nodding she opened the door to Matthew's room.

"Nothing new.. He's still sleeping it looks like." Her voice dropped at the last part.

Alfred touched her arm lightly and chuckled. "Matt's still tired then huh? I'm sure he'll wake up soon."

Crystal gave the American a pity smile and nodded. "O-of course. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to run these blood reports down to (Name)."

Crystal attempted to walk away when she suddenly felt the sudden grip of a larger muscular hand on her wrist. Turning in surprise, she met Alfred's eyes again, but this time, the look of depressed happiness was replaced with a look of subtle disgruntled rage.

"(Name)?" He spat. "(Hair color) hair with (eye color) eyes. A little taller than you as well?"

Crystal pried his tight grip off and rubbed her now red arm. She turned her eyes to glare at the younger boy. "Yes. She does research work here."

The brown haired girl could hear the American's tongue click and a small sadistic smile come onto his face. He chuckled a bit and Crystal backed away from Alfred, feeling uneasy about this new attitude that had suddenly appeared.

"Small world then..." His voice trailed back. " friend Arthur has been hanging out with her until now."

"...until now?"

Alfred's regular laugh returned and he smiled widely at her, but after what she had just witnessed, Crystal thought it looked off, maybe a bit paranoid...

"Well... I doubt he'll be seeing her anytime soon."

And with that Alfred walked into his brother's room and shut the door in one swift movement. Crystal stood there watching the door, as if Alfred was going to open it once again and shout "Just kidding dudette!"

But he never did, and eventually she moved away no longer able (or wanting) to think about this terrifying words.


He had brought your umbrella to work with him today, with the intent to drop it off at your workplace when his shift ended. Antonio was running the checkout right now, giving Arthur time to look over the bookshelves and make sure everything was orderly and neatly.

Your bunny umbrella was resting behind the counter, next to the 'employee recommendations' self. As the last customer left, Antonio turned his attention back toward the unusually quiet British male.

"You okay amigo?" Antonio's voice broke the silence of the room, now once again only holding Arthur and his manager.

Arthur didn't answer, he was not in the mood to talk. Alfred... Alfred was on his mind, and for once Arthur was more worried about his friend than annoyed with him.

England x Vampire!Reader- Crimson ConfidanteWhere stories live. Discover now