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Crimson Confidante

England x Vampire! Reader

Ch.12- Afterthought

One Year Later~

The buzzing of the alarm on your phone alerted you that the day was to begin now. Slowly and sleepily you reached over and turned the electronic off. You groaned at how you had to break off from Arthur's mild warmth in the bed to do such an action. As a result you laid back down, not with the intention to fall back asleep, but not with the intention to get up just yet either.

You glanced at the sleepy man next to you and let out a quiet giggle. Arthur was not known to sleep past an alarm, but he also was still trying to adjust to the vampiric lifestyle, even after a year. He had not believed you and Francis at first when you both had tried to tell him that vampires need to sleep for an average of 10-12 hours a night. And as a result here he was, passed out at 9pm and ignoring the alarm at 7am.

Rubbing your hand through his blond locks, you nudged him softly, trying to coo him away from his sleep and get him ready for the long day ahead. After all today was the day the two of you would be flying back out to the United Kingdom for his birthday and to visit his family.

"Arthur, come on sweetie. We need to get moving and out of the apartment so we don't miss our flight. You can always sleep on the plane." You spoke softly and noticed him start to show the signs of waking up.

The bed head of blond hair rose up and blinked at you tiredly and nodded. But instead of moving to get up and shower, Arthur scooted closer to you and placed his head on your shoulder and sighed tiredly. "Morning love."

Arthur always had a thick British accent, but as it turned out the first few minutes in the morning of him waking up causes his accent to get even thicker. You personally loved hearing it, as it made Arthur sound husky.

"You're wearing my shirt again..." He spoke and tugged at the Sex Pistols t-shirt you had stolen from him and as a result began to wear to bed as pajamas. You did this for two reasons: 1. It ALWAYS smelled like Arthur. 2. Though he never admitted it, you could tell that Arthur found it sexy when you wore his clothing.

"And the panties you picked out~" You cooed and watched as his head shot up and he blushed and pointed and accusing finger at you.

"J-just because I was in the store with you and you asked which pair I liked better does not m-mean I picked it out!" He accused you and you laughed.

He glared at you and you got up from your now shared bedroom (after all Matthew needed his room back, so Francis took your old one, thus resulting in you and Arthur now sharing a bed. Not that either of you minded at this point). "Whatever you say Mr. Tsundere. Now hurry and get ready!"

Arthur grumbled under his breath and got up, showing off his shirtless chest and Union Jack boxers as he did so. He grabbed a towel and left the room to shower in the bathroom next door. You in the meantime threw on a pair of sweatpants and walked towards the kitchen.

Per usual, Francis was already up and had prepared a large breakfast for you all to eat. Matthew sipped on some coffee and glanced out at the foggy morning from the window and sent you a nod and a smile when you entered the room. You smiled back and sat down at the table as Francis sat down across from you.

Alfred appeared to still be sleeping, like the lazy 20 year old he was, so seeing him this morning was not likely. Francis passed you the eggs and ham and you gladly took it, happy to see and eat another delicious meal made by the Frenchman.

"Looks wonderful!" You complimented him and took a bite of your food. "And tastes even better."

"You're going to give me a big head with all your kindness!" Francis smiled and ate his own meal.

England x Vampire!Reader- Crimson ConfidanteWhere stories live. Discover now