Part 6

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Crimson Confidante

England x Vampire! Reader

Ch.6 - Acceptance

When Arthur had stated, "I'm your boyfriend now, which means I get to cook something for you." You had not thought much of it: just your sweet new British boyfriend doing something nice for you after well... everything that went down with Alfred.

However... you soon found out that Arthur... had his own unique strengths and weaknesses... and cooking was not one of his strong points. You were sure he was just making scones not trying to start an apartment fire. But nonetheless... your apartment had soon been engulfed into flames and you scrambled to grab what little items you could carry (shoving many items Arthur's hands as well). The fire department showed up relatively soon, and while the damage was minimal... your landlord was not as excited.

So here you were, standing in Arthur and Alfred's apartment, holding a small box of your belongings with a backpack full of clothes, while Arthur held your box of books and animes. Alfred seemed less than pleased at you now being inside his home: sure he had decided to spare your life at Arthur's request, but he still was a bit hostile towards you.

"No way." Alfred scoffed, crossing his arms.

"Alfred, I'm technically responsible for what happened, therefore it makes sense to let her move in with us." Arthur tried to reason.

"Well then you can move out." Alfred fired back.

"Oh like you can pay for this place by yourself!" Arthur yelled, his irritation rising. "We can barely make ends just the two of us! Plus you own me for all the time you told me I "was losing it"! Turns out I was not since you could see Matthew as well you git..."

"I said I was sorry!" Alfred cried, and waved his arms angrily.

"(Name) has a job, so she can help pay for rent! That would make it easier on the both of us!" Arthur pushed his final point.

Alfred sighed and took off his glasses. He closed his baby blue eyes and pinched his temple and gave out a long drawn out sigh. Finally he opened them again and nodded.

"Fine. But only because she can pay for a THIRD of the rent AND won't cause myself any more trouble than she already has."

Arthur smirked in victory. "Of course, (Name) had already agreed to that before we even got here."

Alfred looked at the Brit, his eye twitching. Before he could say anything else though, Arthur pushed you toward where your new room would be. Alfred would be quite irritable for a while it appeared, it was strange seeing him show these negative emotions. Alfred was usually cheery and goofy... a tad annoying... but never disgruntled or anti-social like he was being toward you currently.

Perhaps it was that Alfred's whole life and Matthew's as well since the terrible experience that you had explained was a Wendigo attack and not a bear as Alfred had lied about. But... was he justified in his hatred and attempted murder of you...

Arthur was not entirely sure, if he was being honest. Sure he agreed that murder was something that should never be done to any human being, but you were not exactly human, and your whole survival depended on well feasting on humans. But at the same time... you have never really tried to hurt him when you were in your right mind and not facing a blood craving.

Arthur sighed and rubbed his head in an attempt to soothe the millions of moral dilemmas he was facing between whether your existence was an act against the natural flow of things like Alfred claimed or if you were just a human who was given a second chance at life.

England x Vampire!Reader- Crimson ConfidanteWhere stories live. Discover now