33. Magical Lights

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I was almost scared to say his name lest he disappeared. "H-Harry."

He smiled.

"What are you doing here?" I breathed out.

"Oh, you know, thought I'd attend this cool party."

He couldn't be serious.

"You're on tour in another continent!" I cried, incredulous. "Why are you in London?!"

"Do you want to dance?"


"We can talk while we dance," he said, as if we were living just another ordinary day in our life. That was the furthest thing from the truth. "Come on. We're in everyone's way."

I let him lead me to the dance floor. The song playing wasn't slow but he still pulled me closer, one hand on my waist and the other holding my own hand. I placed my free hand on his shoulder before turning to him questioningly. "Will you explain now?"

"We just finished one leg of the tour," he said. "Got a few days off until we go to Europe. Technically, we're still supposed to be travelling together. But," he faltered, his gaze not meeting mine for a moment. "But I wanted to see you."

"You . . . You what?!"

He had to be lying. There was no way in hell that Harry Edward Styles would leave his band mid-tour because he wanted to see . . . me?

"I wanted to meet you," he said.

I found myself coming short of responses to that. What could I even say? So, I decided to clarify the next point that had me confused.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

He twirled me around, before pulling me back close. Closer than I was before. I didn't let myself indulge on the fact that I was in Harry Styles' arms.

"Wouldn't be much of a surprise then, would it?"

"Wow," I breathed, shaking my head, disbelief clouding me. "I can't believe you. How did you even get into this party?"

He frowned at me, as if offended, his brows furrowing. I almost reached up to touch his face.

"I once won the British Style Award," he said with great solemnity, "for your kind information."

I couldn't help a laugh. "Stop pouting, Styles. Doesn't look good on you."

"Oh, really?" Another twirl. Another breath closer to him, this time his arms holding me too close to be friendly.

I struggled to meet his gaze evenly, to force the word out of my mouth without giving away how I was feeling. "Yep." A sharp syllable.


"What-What does that mean?"

"Nothing." He looked down at me with a smile. He was tall, so much taller, his hair a rough mane framing his face. His face was angled in the most beautiful way. And, those eyes - they looked down at me with . . . Was it kindness? Or something else? I couldn't tell in the dim lighting.

"What are you thinking?" He asked, voice soft as we swayed to the music.

I shook my head, my cheeks warming. If he ever found out how I was feeling, how my heartbeat was thudding in my ear . . . It would ruin everything.

I blinked. This was not the time for depressing thoughts. Harry - Harry - was here. Here. Real. He had left his tour to come see me.

This was a dream, wasn't it?

I almost jumped out of my skin as I felt a finger at the corner of my lips. "What are you doing?" I breathed out.

He smiled, a faint one but it reached his eyes. "You look like you're in another world."

"It certainly feels that way," I blurted out before I could think it through.

"Why is that?" Another twirl. This time, when he pulled me back, both his hands shifted to my waist and I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"I just can't believe you're here," I told him. A pause. There were so many things I wanted to say. I had really needed him today and here he was - right in front of me. But bringing up the situation with my friends would ruin the moment. Not to mention - I couldn't dump my luggage on him. So, instead, I settled for a different truth. "I missed you."

He leaned closer and I think my heart might have stopped and only beat again when his forehead settled against mine. Not that having him so close to me I could feel his warm breath fanning my face helped in any way.

But the initial assumption I'd made still lingered at the back of my mind. I pushed the thought away. This was not the time to get horny.

"I missed you too, Sophie." There was an indecipherable emotion in his voice, the first words almost raw. It made my stomach drop and warnings blare in my mind.

But I couldn't concentrate on them. I didn't know what it was that I had to be wary of. I was losing grip of reality, having Harry so close to me. And every time the lights would shine on his face, I saw such an intensity in them, I felt weak in my knees.

It was a good thing his grip on my waist was firm.

I almost got out of my daze, almost started another conversation. But, without warning, I found Harry loosening one hand from my waist. A moment later, he'd tugged my own hand away from his neck.

I hadn't noticed before - but my hand was pretty much a miniature in his warm ones. His gaze was on it as he settled my hand in the best position inside his grip. And, then he looked at me - into my eyes. And I lost myself in his as we slow danced the rest of the night away.


(A/N) Been waiting to write these bits for so long, I can't even remember when I first came up with this plot line.  I hope you liked this. Look forward to more of this fluff for the next few chapters. MY BABIES ARE TOGETHER AGAIN.
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