Welcome To Eygpt

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Moonya POV

I arrive at Egypt, it was really hot. I left the airport and went a hotel to stay. When I got to the hotel, I pay for a room and stay there. I said to myself, "It's really nice room, now time to fine this secret place." I left the hotel and went to place I can rent out animals or vehicles.

Travelers Destiny was said to be the best place to rent, only because it was cheap. When I got there, a rent clark surprised me by behind. He said, "Welcome!! Can I interest you with a nice horse?" I said, "Umm no thank you. Can I get a vehicle that can take to the desert?" The rent clark said, "Anything for a lady, right this way. You look familiar to me, have we met before?" I look and said, "No, I just met you today." The rent clark said, "You look like someone I know of, ummm Armondo Hammad, thats his name." I eyes widen when he said my father's name, I said, "You know my father?!" The rent clark said, "Yes, you must be his daughter, I remember as a little baby. Where is he? I haven't seen him in a long time." I said, "He's...dead, he died in a fight." The rent clark said, "What about your mother?" I said, "She's dead, too. I need something to get out there in that desert." The rent clark said, "Wait here, oh, where are my manners? I'm Zeli." I said, "My name is Moonya."

Zeli said, "Well, its kinda nice seeing you, its been a long time." I said, "Yeah, I know, I miss them." Zeli said, "Let me get you a car ready to go, can you drive?" I said, "No, I can't, I never knew how." Zeli said, "Alright, just let me grab a few things and I will take you there." He leaves to get a few things.

I never knew the rent clark and my parents were friends for a long time, I quite lucky to be here with him. He came back with a bag and two bandit masks, I said, "Whats that for, Zeli?" Zeli said, "There mask to cover our faces with, there are a lot of sand storms in the desert. You don't want you skin to mess up, some people had learn that the hard way." I said, "Thats bad, I'll put it on when we get to the desert." Zeli said, "Not now, only when a sand storm happens." I said, "Aright." We both got the Jeep, it was the best vehicle to drive through the desert. As we drove off, a bullet broke the side mirror of the Jeep. I turn around and looked, those men again. I said, "Zeli, drive faster!!" Zeli turned and looked at the men, then said, "Not them again."

'Not them?' He knows them? I said, "You know them?" Zeli said, "They have been trying to get you since your the key." I said, "Well, they'vebeen after me and friends, I had to leave the U.S to find the secret place where my father stored jewls and rubies." Zeli said, "I'll get you there in one piece, or I'll try to." Zeli started driving faster in the desert, but the men drove twice as fast and push there car in to ours. Zeli said, "These guys are too fast for us, we need to do something." Before we can do anything, the Jeep went out of control.

It spins, then flips upside down as I hit the dashboard of the Jeep. Everything was dizzy for a while, but when things was normal, it wasn't good. I started smelling gas in the air and Zeli died. A piece of glass punctured his chest, I crawled from the Jeep grabbing the bag and started running before the Jeep blew up. I ran as far as I could until I through the ground.

A secret passage underground? Seems like a more likely place to hide a secret place. I got up and explore the secret underground passage, but I heard other footsteps. Not those people again, I started running, then I tripped on something and hit my head on a rock. Everything went black....


I woke up with a splash of water being thrown at my face, I was chained up to the wall. I said, "Where am I?" "No where." I said, "Who's there?! Show yourself!!!" He walked into the light, He said, "Hello darling." I said, "Who are you?" He said, "I'm Dax, but I like to be called Antonio, do you know why you're here?" I said, "No, and I don't want to know. I want to get out of here seeing the treasure my father stashed away." Antonio said, "I'm looking for the treasure as well, but do you know something?" I said, "Yeah, you have some balls chaining me up." He said, "Well, besides that, you a key to a secret place." He walks closer to me, I said, "Gee like I didn't know that." Antonio said, "Heheheh, I see why your father choose you to be the key." He grabs my chin and continues, "Your the mean type, too bad he's not here to save you, otherwise I wouldn't be here."

I spit in his face and he turns away wiping it off, then said "You shouldn't have done that, boys!!!!" Two boys comes in with their faces covered up, Antonio said, "Teach this widow a lesson." "Yes sir."

They both started beating on me, one was punching me in the stomach while the other was slapping me in the face. All the pain...I tried fighting back with me feet but when a punch came so hard, I fell to my knees. Then they started kicking in my chest. It was so hard the I felt a rib broke and I couldn't breathe. Antonio said, "That's enough, we'll leave this girl and her wounds over night." They all left and I was in the floor in pain and because of the broken rib I started coughing blood up. I said, "Someone....help....me..." Then everything went black again.

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