Chapter 27

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Blood is dripping all down my muzzle in drizzles. You can barely make out all the blood covering my coat because of the color of my fur but it's there. It's all there. I start limping towards my packmates that made it through this unexpected skirmish between another wolf pack. " Are you ok?" I hear Taylor ask and I nod back slowly.

My head feels light headed and woozy. Ignoring all the subtle gashes and pain going through my stomach, I still feel like there is a major cramp inside by abdomen making want to keel over. It's been happening over the course of 3 weeks and it still has yet to go away. I look around at all the dead were bodies collecting flies and dirt already. " Let's get ready to leave. Count our dead and bring their bodies back." I say completely numbed to the feeling of loss.

I still feel unbelievably sad, but there is no way I can express this outwardly anymore. As the Alpha, I have to stand as a symbol of hope. If they see me break down there is no way they can survive through the rest of the war. I wish this could all be over. . .I wish my father would get better soon.

But I know he won't.

I start to turn around and walk back with a slight limp. I see Jake and Micah lower their heads to get a look at me. I told them I was fine. " Go help the others that can barely walk. If you want to talk to me about something else, just wait until we get settled back down into our pack houses." They nod and leave my side and help three other weres that are can barely even lift up their own heads. I just want this all to end.

But it won't.

We've been gone for over a week trying to keep them away from our territory for as long as possible. We're far from recovered and I just want to make sure the same thing won't happen again. But this. . .this is taking a huge toll on everyone. This is my go-to group whenever we do battles like this. . .and even though they won't admit it. . .I'm sure they're just as exhausted as I am.

As I change back into my human form I grab a pair of jeans from Connor while wiping my mouth of the putrid taste surrounding it. I've done so many terrible things in my life but this one by far is the worst thing I have ever had to do. . . They were begging for mercy, they were begging for their lives yet I watch my packmates decapitate them like tearing paper.

It came all too easy to them. . . And it scares me. Looking at them I can tell what they're slowly becoming and it's killing me. I never wanted this for them. I never wanted this for anyone.

" Alpha we have a total of 14 dead. Kevin and Dennis are making a couple rounds and we will start heading west." I nod my head absently until he shakes me. " Alpha."

I make eye contact with him and nod. " I heard you. Just make sure our wounded gets treated quickly."

As soon as he leaves I hold my stomach in pain while leaning against the tree clenching down on my teeth. I don't want to utter out a single sound of pain to make them worry about me. We have no time for that. Our wounded needs to go back to our territory immediately. I go to remove my hand and notice blood all over it making me inwardly wince.

" Connor. Take the Injured along with Adam, Michael, Ester, James, and Kyle with you back to the territory. We have no time right now and they must be seen immediately by our pack doctor."

" But-"

" I'll be fine. Don't worry about me. Jake, Micah, and the rest will be with me and I'm sure we won't run into any trouble we can't handle."

He nods reluctantly while eyeing me carefully. I put my hand back on the left side of my stomach as I let out a hiss. It's beginning to burn and pulsate. The pain that is accompanying it is starting to feel like its spreading throughtout my entire body.

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