Yes. i will.

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Two days later...
Damon pov
"1!" The first lash is always painful.
"Do you know how mighty your ass is looking right now?" He asked lifting his whip in the air again.
Then it came on me. Again and again.
"10!" By that time i started crying and sobbing but i came too. Without his permission.
He did not allow me to come.
"Huh! I see what you did kid!" He noticed.

His finger trailed around each cheek and suddenly went in me.
"Ahh!" I cried. Again and again.

I woke up but fortunately i didnt sweat much. Without any care, i stared at the ceiling. It had been two days seeing Seira. Her parents say that she doesnt go anywhere, meet anyone. She keeps saying that Reece's death was her fault. It wasnt. I found out.

He passed away because the bruise had already ruptured. The swollen part had started bleeding a lot. Being so young, his body had not learnt how clot properly yet, so he died.

Seira pov
"Its all my fault. My fault." I chanted this phrase again and again, trying to forget that it happened by itself. It was my fault. It was my first emergency, i spoilt it.
And so someone died. Reece died.

I sat on the floor leaning against the bed and stared out the glass door which had sun still rising. My stomach had stopped grumbling to the two day hunger.

"Seira?" It was Ma. Go away was what i wanted to say but my mind had stopped talking to me too. Probably because it knew what i did. I killed someone.
"Seira?" She called again. I heard her walk in, in her light pumps. She knelt down, i realised then it was Sarah.
"Hey Darling." A tear fell from my eye.
"Goodness me! You still have tears left in you? God, i thought they would have been gone by now because of your hunger strike."
Right now i didnt feel like lauging at all.
"Do you who has come with me early in the morning? Damon."

When she said his name, i looked at her and behind, he stood with a tray. He wore a grey suit. Smiling, he walked in and nodded at Sarah.
"Thank you." He said and she walked out closing the door.

Damon pov
I sat next to her on the floor. She stared out the door at the Sun shining right through. She was crying still.

"I killed him. It was my fault."
I tensed and weird enough, i was getting furious.

You're not a murderer!

"Why do say that?" I watched her. She looked right through the sunlight without blinking.
"I should have asked another doctor to do it. He would have been alive then."
"Well the post mortem says otherwise."

She looked at me confused.
"Post mortem?"
"I know it is only done if there was an accident. But to see you smiling again, i got a poat mortem done. His body couldnt cope up with the injuries." She looked back to the sun and watch it brighten up.

"Would you like to have lunch with me?" I asked. Say yes. For lunch atleast.

"Seeing you on a hunger strike makes me feel hungry. A lot. And poor Damon hates to stay hungry." I rubbed my tummy and she giggled.

"Will you?" I asked again.
"Because im going to get hungry. And i need a hungry company."
"Okay what?"
"Yes i will have lunch with you."
I smiled at her.
"See you."

One hour before lunch...
Seira pov
"Well its good if she goes out now." I could hear Sarah talk to Ma and Dad.
I wore casuals. Outside now, it was all grey and dark, it seemed as if there was no sunrise at all. Wearing blue jeans and a white sweater, i topped it with a off white scarf and with converse.

I need some colour motivation.

Opening my room door, there was a gush of breeze that broke in. I could smell my roses and sunflowers again. The house below seemed alien like i came after many years. God!

I remember keeping my phone in the drawer, taking it out i walked over to the living room to see Ma and dad all relaxed now.
They turned and smiled.
"Hey. Dear." Dad stood up to hug.
"Goin' out somewhere?" He asked.
"For lunch. With Damon. He is coming to pick up."
Soon as i said that, there was a honk outside.
"He's here."

Damon pov
I brought my Audi R8 to suit a slow ride. It was smooth and cozy. She opened her door and i swear she had lost some pounds .
"You need food." I said and she chuckled. I helped her in the passenger seat, jogged back to the drivers and took off.
"Nice car. Which one is it?" She asked touching the leather interior. That caused tingles on my back.
"Its and R8. New model."
"Was it very expensive?"
"So so."

I drove down town to a chain of food stalls, restaurants and many cafés.
"Woah, are you planning some feast today?" She asked climbing out of the car.
"Well im going to make sure of the two day compensation of hunger." I held her hand we walked in.

The parking was on the other street as this one had everything about food. Street stalls selling i dont know what and there were small restaurants that sold every kind of cuisine. Indian to Italian.

"So what would you like to have?" I asked looking out for my choice and also sniffed for a mixture of smoke.
"To be honest, im not quite hungry."
I stopped midway.
"To be honest Seira, you really have appetite problems. And today we are going to overcome that." I held her hand and pulled her along to an Italian restaurant.

Seira pov
We walked in this place. It was dim lighted with different smells of garlic, heat of pastries and cheese.
Now i was getting hungry.
"We would like to have a table for two. Please." Damon said to a olive skinned woman with black eyes. She eyed him.

"Over here."
She took us to a door and opened a huge door. It was a hall with ancient interior and chandeliers. There were tables with red and white tablecloths and beautiful candles, glasses and cutlery.

"Shall we sit?" We chose the table at the back. He pulled out a chair for me and i sat.
"I love this place already." When i said that, he grinned like a small child. So cute.
"I like the wine collection. Its warm and intoxicating." He winked making me sigh.

"What would you like to have?" The same waitress came asking with a notepad.
"I would to know what you would like, first."  He interwined his fingers and leaned forward.

She had a grim face when he did that, i shook my head and glanced at the menu.
"I would like to have Saucy Chicken with Mushroom Ravioli."
"And you Sir?"
"The same. Thank you."
"Anything to drink?"
Before i could answer, he ordered.

Damon pov
"I would have sparkling water and the lady needs pomergranate juice please."
She scribbled and went off.

"Why pomergranate? Its sour!" She complained.
"You need good sleep."
"What does that have to do with it?"
"Pomergranate juice gives good sleep."
She nodded. Well the drive was for atleast twenty minutes so by the time we reach her house, i want her to be sleeping.

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