Thanks, High School

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It has occurred to me that I haven't updated this book in a very long time. I began in 2013, and it's now 2017. You know what that means? The times have changed! I have grown as a person and my interests are more broad and I am a happy little camper. But you know what? I'm still angry and I have a couple of years worth of BULLSHIT to share with you. So sit back, relax and feel the pain with me. Actually, I just checked back and I see that my last update was March of 2016. I am approaching March of 2017, so let me tell you about this past year.

Let's begin where we left the fuck off! In my last post, I talked about this person who was my best friend sometimes but also someone who acted like a stranger. That went on for a while but let me tell you, I'm a dumb ass and let me tell you why I'm a dumb ass. I SPENT A MONTH OR TWO HAVING SEVERELY INTIMATE CONVERSATIONS WITH THIS BOY AND LET ME TELL YOU, DO NOT INTERACT WITH THEATER BOYS. YOU WANNA FUCKING KNOW WHY? BECAUSE THEATER BOYS ARE THE WEIRDEST FUCKS YOU WILL EVER, EVER, EVER, EVER MEET. HE HAD THE WEIRDEST INTERESTS AND IT JUST MAKES YOU MORE FUCKING INTRIGUED. YOU THINK, WOW, THIS GUY IS SO SPONTANEOUS AND SEXY AND EVEN THOUGH I HAVE A GOD DAMNED BOYFRIEND, I JUST WANNA GET CLOSER AND CLOSER BECAUSE I AM A FUCKING PANZY ASS MOTHER FUCKING IDIOT WITH NO SENSE OF LOGIC AND ANYTHING ELSE. NOOW, For some reason or another, he's been spending the past few months only talking to me about his girlfriend. LET ME TELL YOU SOMETHING, THIS BITCH, THIS BITCH IS A BITCH I WANT TO DESTROY. He was meant to be in a play with me this year but maybe because of last year's events, she don't want him near me lmao. BUT SHE HAS HIM QUITTING EVERYTHNG, AND I JUST?????? THIS BITCH?????? and she does things to FUCKIN TEMPT ME. went to a school formal one time and she seen me and decided to violently make out with the boy infront of me BUT SHE KEPT HER EYES OPEN LLOOKINNNNNNN AT MEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!??!!?!??!?!?!??!??!? BITCH WHAT??? now i think this is hilarious because, let me tell you, he was upset one time because she refused to call him by his nickname. He has this nickname and everyone calls him it, and she just refuses to fuckin do it to get a rise outta him. Now here I am, very sad as I approach the one year mark since we were best friends forever and now I hear from him like once a fckin month and it isnt even because hes attracted to me, its because he has girlfriend problems ad i just wish i could tell him to leave the dumb bitch.

I have so much to say about that guy but i'll be fucked if i spend 4 hours ranting about his existence. so here's what i have to say to you, don't talk to theater boys!!! STAY AWAY FROM THOSE PECULIAR BOYS BECAUSE THEY AREN'T GOOD BOYS EVEN IF THEIR FACE IS GOOD. Don't let some bitch ruin your friendships and don't waste your bus rides by listening to Troye Sivan while reminiscing on past "relationships" because it just ain't fucking worth t.


I'm ON MY SCHOOL'S IMPROV TEAM, and for those of you who don't know, improv is acting but acting on the spot with no script and only a use of a suggestion. Now the past 3 years have been boggling on this damn team. In grade 10 I joined and I loved it but around the end, I realized the coach was a bitch who didn't wanna give me what I want so I was basically like lol fuuuuuucck u!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! because we all know I'm petty as FUCK! so in grade 11 I was in and out, the only reason i was trying to stay was because my slightly good friend at the time, his name is Cody and i love him, he wanted me to stay so i did right??? but the coach was a bitch and i came back willing to participate and she was like "ok so who's going to the competition???" and i said i would and she said "ok" and then the day before the competition she said I cant go because i didnt show up half the year ad I'm like "okkkkkkkkkkkkkk bitchhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" and I never went back until the very end of the year when she was leaving. SO AT THE BEGINNING OF THIS YEAR, I had established new friendships and the 2 coaches were my friends so i was like fuck yaaa! but turns out cody, the coach, they don't like to acccept him as a coach and this other bitch who I hve severe problems with is. I'M SO TRIGGERED BECAUSE CODY WOULD BE SUCH A GOOD GOOD GOOD COACH BUT THE cOTHER BITCH JUST DENIES HIM AND IT IS SO SO SO UPSETTING. LET ME TELL YOU, THIS BITCH HAS MADE YOUNG GIRLS CRY BECAUSE SHES SO COLD HEARTED. But enough about that, let me tell you about the most important relationship you'll have in high school. Your best friend. In grade 9 and 10 you'll be best friends and swear on it being a life time thing. You will! But then at some point between grade 11 and grade 12, you both start dating people and kind of drift apart. You'll still have lunch and hang out all the time, it's just that there's a new person involved in your lives. But then they'll start lying to you and hiding things from you, ignoring your messages and just never ever wanting to see you because they're busy with their s/o. I get it. Love is exciting and new, but fuck you for abandoning me. Fuck you for claiming to be someone who loves me and just says, "aw" or "oh no" when I'm spilling my heart out to you about how much I want to fucking die. Fuck you for only caring when it's convenient for you. Fuck you for abandoning me for your new life with your old ass boyfriend and his children. I thought having a boy break up with you was the worst break up you could have. But I'm realizing that breaking up with your best friend is the most painful thing you could ever do. So, fuck you. fuck you for pretending to care and fuck you for breaking my god damned heart. I dont have a girl best friend anymore who I can have sleepovers with and gossip with and stay up until 4am watching talent show fails with. You and our friendship is so fucking important to me and it sucks to see that you couldn't care less.
I realize that this took a very emo turn so I'm just gonna go die or something, thank u for reading lmao

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2017 ⏰

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