Chapter One - The Average Teenage Girl

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They're all around us. Sometimes you don't notice. Most of the time - they're every where and you have trouble trying to NOT notice them. They whine, they complain, a lot of the time they're the reason they're stereotyped so often. I would think most of them know are one of the worst things I can even complain about because it bugs me just to have to hear them BREATHE. No, I'm not talking about the overly annoying wasp, though, I suppose the average teenaged girl could compare to one. Bare in mind, I'm obviously not stating that EVERY teenaged girl is like this, because then I'd just be insulting myself. But you know. This is for the so called "popular" drama queens.

So. First of all. Probably 99% of the time,  they blame their bitchy attitudes on their damn period. BITCH PLEASE. Where in the fuck does it say in the puberty booklets, "WARNING: Girls are going to get so pissy on their menstrual cycle so just like hide under cars and only eat zebras." Or some fucking shit. I WOULD LOVE for someone to please point that the fuck out, considering 2 weeks ago my Health teacher gave us an 80 minute lecture on how we don't automatically become the bitchiest rampaging mother fuckers on this planet. No. What happens? You bleed out of your mother fucking vagina for like, four to seven days. It also isn't a damn reoccuring thing that happens everyday, so don't even be likeeee. 'sorry god im on my damn period I can be bitchy all i want feed me chocolate FUCK YOU.' and then say the same thing the week after and yell when people question. IF THAT IS THE CASE, please see a fucking doctor before you bleed out and die brutally in the street and just get eaten by deer or an armadillo. 

Secondly, you girls just love to play mind games with your boyfriends. SERIOUSLY. Make up your damn mind. YOU CAN'T DO THIS. You can't;
a)  Date someone, dump him, & be like, OH HE HURT ME SO BAD I'LL NEVER BE OKAY AGAIN. Bitch please, get some fucking mental help. 
b)  Date a guy. Dump him. Realize he still likes you months later right before exams, date him and use him for test answers, then dump him, and then see that he has a girlfriend and be like, HELL NO. Then convince him to dump the girl, (who, I am sure has never done anything to you before, bitch please, she would even help you on tests and work sheets, by help I mean give you the mother fucking answers.) and then make him go to graduation with you.
c) Find out a guy likes you, then use him and walk all over him and make him do shit for you. 

Then, you gotta be such a douche to probably the nicest people. 
So you know this girl who's like, really kind and has never done anything to you, ever, accidentally walks into you. "OW YOU MOTHER FUCKER. Ugh! NO ONE LOVES YOU." So one of your son of a bitch female MINIONS accidentally does the same and you're like, 'HAHAHA THATS OKAY! YAY FRIENDS FOREVER, GLITTER AND SPARKLES! WOOOOOO!" No. Then you go and ask for help on an assignment from that same girl you told no one loves her. 
"Hey, can you help me?"
"Pfft, no."
then your other little minion friend goes, 'did she say no?' and yer like, 'uh, YAAAHHH!' and then, she goes, 'RUDEEEE.' and then that girl rolls her eyes and thinks about how hipocritical for any of you, ANYYYY OF YOU, to call ANNNYYONE rude. 

Oh, and the girls who need to take credit for everything. You can't spell for shit or write for shit or even know what a god damn comma is, so you're like, 'can you edit this for me?' and they be like, 'yeah sure.' and they do the best fucking work ever, and then you get a letter from whomever you were sending it to for a program and scream, 'YAAAAYY I GOT INNNN. THEY SAID THEY NEVER HAD READ BARELY ANY WITH GOOD GRAMMAR AND STUFF. I DID IT ALL MYSELF TOO!' and then you know, the boy who doesn't really give a shit about anyone or anything decides to give a shit. "Didn't she help you?' 'NO IT WAS ALLLLLL ME!' This is why I don't like people, really.

Can't even forget the damn hipocrites who bully everyone and make people feel like utter shit over 85% of the time, and then have the damn guts to stand up and be like. "Bullying is like sooooooo wrong. Don't do it! LIKE REALLYYYY. I HAVE A SHIRT AND STUFF, YAYYYYYYY SHIRTS!" or are like, don't post slutty pictures, damn... then post even sluttier pictures later and are like, HAAH AREN'T I JUST SOOOOO HAWT. Or, go off about how 'I hate those people who date someone for a day and then are like, oh you're my favorite thing ever I love you don't leave me.' and then YOU DO THE SAME THING. JUST FUCK YOU.                F U C K    Y O U.

Attention whores who are like. *Post emotional status* *picture of self harm* 'NO, DON'T, YOU'RE SO BEAUTIFUL WE ALL LOVE YOU!' 'aw thanks:)' 'Why did you need to post these? This is sick and wrong and, seriously...' *DELETE COMMENT* 'haha yay they all had to give me compliments, YAYYYY! *delete photo*. I'm guilty of this one though, when you act all sad and shit and when people ask you whats wrong you can't think of a good excuse so you're like, nothing, and then post stupid emotional tweets and stop when people decide to stop giving a fuck. But you know whatttt, I pledge to never fucking do that again because that shit is seriously annoying.

Those people who really need to mother fucking brag about everything they have. LIKE, YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND, no one cares, so you walk him around like a MOTHER FUCKING DOG, and act all; OOHHH BABY I LOVE YOU DON'T EVER LEAVE ME. Hey you guys, I have a boyfriend.' BOYFRIEND. SQUIRREL, BOYFRIEND, BOYFRIEND BOYFRIEND. *Insert Smosh shut up here.*

Those girls who think they're so cool because they listened to ONE SONG by a band that's sort of not Justin Biebery? 'HAHA OH MY GOD I'M SO COOL BECAUSE I LISTENED TO A SONG BY THREE DAYS GRACE LOOK HOW EMOTIONAL I'M GETTING, HAHA DON'T LET ME COMMIT SUICIDE!' or think anyone who doesn't listen to One Direction, Justin Bieber, whatever, are automatically into sucky music, LIKE WHORE, WHO ASKED YOUR OPINION?

ESPECIALLY the girls who are like, 'I need to start eating healthier and going to the gym, I gained 10 pounds and now I'm up to 110 pounds! OH GOD I'M SO FAT, PLEASE HELP I'M SUCH A BINGE. Bitch please, do you know how much a lot of girls, including me, would give to even be 100 pounds?

Or are like, NO MAKEUPP, See I told you I was ugly. "Actually you're really pretty..' *delete comment.* 'I'm really afraid of summer, ew I'm too fat.' 'you're not fat... at all..' *DELETE COMMENT.*  

ANNNNDD who slap a guy really hard, and get like, poked back, and just cry and be like, YOU'RE HORRIBLEEEEEE UGH I HATE YOU GET OUTTTTT.

I bet you I could think up about 20000000 more of these, but you know, cbf okay.

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