Sluts of Attention

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yoU KNOW WHAT PISSES ME OFF, INTERNET? YOU WANNA FUCKIN KNOW? i'll FUCKING tell you. you cant go fucking around and tellin' people someone raped you WHEN THEY AIN'T FUCKIN RAPE YOU. Jessi Slaughter pretended Dahvie raped her AND HER FUCKIN CSE WAS FUCKIN CLOSED BC SHE HAD NO PROOF. tHIS GIVES COW LICKERS LIKE YOU THE ADVANTAGE to make up stupID FUCKING RAPE STORIES, and you wanna fuckin know what? it's fucking sick. s i c k . all you FUCKING DICKWADS WANT, is A T T E N T I O N. ALRIGHT AND YOU FUCKING GOT IT. are you FUCKING happy? people believe you bc everyone fucking wants BOTDF dead. I can g and fucking write up a paragraph about Dahvie raping me and yOU'D FUCKING BELIEVE IT BECAUSE YOU'RE STUPID LITTLE FUCKING SHIT HEADS WITH NO INTELLIGENCE WHATSOEVER. you fuckers probably make up rape stories for America's Most Wanted for your fucking attention. yOU DO ANYTHING. anything. I'm not o FUCKING KAY with your piece of shit shennanigans. Who else got wrongly accused? Ronnie Radke. But you idiots love him to death. I love him, too, but he was accused of something as big as murdering someone. Other people made up shit stories about Ronnie Radke trying to murder them or hurt them, no one bats an eye because IT ISN'T TRUE. Your believes on BOTDF are merely because you fucking hate them. That's it. You fucking hate them. If there was any evidence of Dahvie doing anything to anyone, cold hard, legitimate, proof,  HE WOULD BE IN PRISON RIGHT NOW. Innocent until proven guilty. I could fucking argue FOR HOURS ON HOW WRONG MOST OF YOU ARE, with so many more fucking points and all you'd do is name the same 3 "facts" (not real facts) OVER AND OVER no matter how many times I can prove it wrong. YOU CAN'T PROVE SOMETHING THAT DOESN'T EXIST. THAT'S EXACTLY WHY THERE'S NO PROOF OUT THERE. CAN YOU FUCKING NOT? really, can you not? Just because they're more fucking open about drugs and their sexuality and their songs are more sexual than most, DOESN'T MAKE THEM FUCKING RAPISTS, PEDOPHILES, WHATEVER. IT REALLY DOESN'T. I HATE YOU BYE:))

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