New friend new home

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He kissed me. HE KISSED ME. Just last week, we were punching each other and shouting and swearing, and now, he kissed me. I hesitated at first and then pushed him away.

"Namjoon. What the fuck?" I said. I didn't say it too loud, just in case there was anyone outside the door.

He looked shocked at first, and then said, "I'm sorry. Well, now you know how I feel about you, heh," He chuckled a bit and put his hands to his face.

"Why do you feel that way about me? Why would you like a person like me?" I said. I felt happy, but sad. No one has ever liked me, so this was very confusing for me. If I'm extremely honest, I don't know how I feel about him. Namjoon, what are you doing to me?

"I like you because... You're beautiful, and you're a different person when you aren't pressured by all of the assholes. And if you don't feel the same way, I'm sorry," he said, and then smiled slightly. As he started to walk towards the door, I grabbed his hand and then he stopped.

"N-Namjoon. Honestly, I don't know how I feel about you. But I know I don't hate you," I said and smiled. "You know, you're probably my first friend heh. Funny that. 17 years and I get my first friend now. Really, that's kinda sad," I added, and laughed pretty loud, making him laugh as well. When my eye were shut, from laughing, Namjoon hugged me randomly.

"Namjoon? What are you doing?" I asked.

"Dunno. Hugging you. Ya fukn idiot," he said, and hugged me tighter. I put my arms around his neck and hugged him back. Once again, just last week we hated each other, and now, were hugging each other in the disabled toilets. Wow, I guess we both have worse mood swings than a pregnant woman.

Le time Skippy

(Namjoon POV)

It's last period. Finally. Were in history, and our teacher, Miss Holmes, let's us sit wherever we want, so of course I sat by Y/N, since I'm her only friend. We did gain a few weird looks but I don't care. I don't think she did either, because she just stuck her tongue out or let the people take a look at her middle finger if she noticed them. So cute. I probably shouldn't act all lovey dovey though because people would suspect something and Y/N doesn't have decide feelings for me, so I also don't want to make her feel uncomfortable.


Ten minutes until the end of the lesson. Thank lord Jeebus above because I don't think I can stand another minute of learning about the battle of Hastings. I didn't listen to most of the lesson but what caught my attention was when miss put a video on, and there was death. Hehe. As expected, Taeyang, the pu§§y of the class, looked away every time there was blood. It honestly made me laugh and people game me dirty looks, so they earned themselves a personal middle finger.

10 minute time Skippy

(Namjoon POV)

At the end of class, Y/N and I left class last and we just talked until we got to the gates.

"So uh, do you wanna stay at my place, since you've kinda got no where else to stay?" I asked her. I really hope she says yes, because I do really want to help her out.

"Uh, ok then!" She replied, beaming her beautiful smile at me.

We started walking to my house, side by side in silence, but it wasn't awkward. It was almost... Comforting? I dunno. So yeah as soon as I unlocked my front door, she ran straight inside and collapsed onto my couch, and then I realized something. I only had one bed. Shit. Well, not really shit for me, but I just don't want it to be awkward.

"Hey! Uh, Y/N?" I mumbled, but loud enough for her to hear.

"Yah?" She practically yelled, SO FUCKING CUTE.

"Uh... We may have a problem. I only have one bed and it might be a bit awkw-" she cut me off.

"Then we can just share the bed, I don't care," wow. Ok. This was new.

Y/N just told me, that we could share a bed. YES.

YAYAYAYAY!! Two chapters in one day! Woo. I hope you enjoyed! ^-^ Anneyong~

[WILL BE RE-WRITTEN]  A bad boys bad girl. Namjoon x readerWhere stories live. Discover now