Role Reversal

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Kynes' bony body seemed to cave in on itself as he showed us around. There were weres and vampires all seemingly starved and ravenous for anything that would be easy prey. Everyone had the same room build as we did and we quickly found out that people just slept on whatever bed was closest. The area wasn't too crowded, it wasn't that we didn't have a terrible sense of space, it was the fact that nothing belonged to anyone.

When he had finished showing us around he led us back to what was "our" room and sat down across from us. "As for jobs, since you all are vampires, there are a couple different ones. There's the pleasure servant, hard laborer, trash and yard workers, recycler, beauty worker, and of course full time experiment subject, but that one applies to everyone," he smiled apologetically then turned to Crescent, "You could get away with being a cook since your a halfling."

"We both have mates so your first suggestion," I spat, "is a no go."

"That aside," Crescent looked at the were child, "Do you know anything about a were dragon?"

"You mean Kai?" the boy blinked. "He's actually our head. Er, he controls us all and makes sure we stay in line. He's nice and all but was raised here so he respects the humans' way of life, for the most part, he even agrees with it."

"Does he?" I grinned, "I want to have a talk with him."

Crescent stood up and sniffed the air, "Quick question, why can't I tell what type of were everyone is, or from which Noble family these vampires have been changed by?"

Kynes just shook his head in disappointment, "Because of some of the chemicals they place in our air." He turned back to look at me, "You can meet Kai once you choose your jobs, he handles the paperwork and markings."

"Markings?!" Crescent and I jumped up, both angry and in disbelief. 

"Humans at the coven aren't even marked! What the hell is this?!" Crescent threw her hands up in the air, then crossed them over, "We're not animals! Hell animals shouldn't even be marked! Are we going back in time??" Her outburst was greatly appreciated and I found myself agreeing with her completely.

"It doesn't hurt unless you try to escape,"Kynes responded, "Think of them like electronic tattoos. My nose flared in irritation and a fan slipped past my lip, and it wasn't a vampire fang. This place was much more high end security than what I or the others thought it would be.

"What will get me the most time with this Kai?" I growled lowly and Kynes backed up a bit.

"The full time experiment, it wakes a lot of preparation and it's about a month long process where they start to transfer your diet over to animal blood and clean out the human blood, then they figure out which Noble family you're originally from. After that, though, they perform all sorts of experiments in hopes of curing it and drawing out the special abilities to be transferred over to their soldiers, they haven't been successful at any of it, though," he explained hurriedly.

"Then that's what I'm choosing," I sneered. "Crescent, choose something that will give us more information on this place and how they're running this place." I started walking to the exit of our chamber, "Kynes, lead me to where I sign up and meet the weredragon."

He scurried out in front of me and lead me to what seemed like a dead end but was in fact, where you declared your job. Kynes knocked on the wall and white where his hand was faded to black. "What is it Kynes?" The voice was rough and annoyed.

"E-er this one wants to declare her job as an experiment," he stuttered and the whole wall turned black.

"Send her through, alone, she can just follow the blue lines." 

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