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Louis: they're still gone smh

Ashton: you know they're just jealous

Luke: niall

Niall: what

Luke: dye your hair

Niall: no

Liam: but why Louis already has brown hair an blue eyes

Louis: yeah you copycat

WTFAY: guys

Louis: I miss Harry

Liam: I miss Nialls blonde hair

WTFAY: guys

Luke: guys

Ashton: you know I miss the blonde too

WTFAY: GUYS!!11!111!!1

Louis: oh hey didn't see you there

WTFAY: Luke is the only one who noticed

WTFAY: that's why he's ma boi

Luke: aye

Niall: what is it

WTFAY: I finally found a group of friends who like 1D

Ashton: that's good

WTFAY: but one ships Zouis, Nouis, and Lilo. and the other ships Zarry, Narry, and Lirry. And they're both like which is more real. And I was like LARRY and they were like ew. :(

Louis: ewwwww

Liam: same

Niall: cheeky larry bumsecks

Luke: ^

Ashton: ^^

Louis: I miss my hazzabear

Louis added Harry to group chat converse

Harry: you know I can't be here

Louis: no baby don't le-

Harry left group chat converse.

WTFAY: shhh bby the 4 of them will realize their life is boring without these chats

Niall: French fry French Fri uma French fre

Liam: same

Luke: no not same your daddy pain

Ashton: what'd you just call Liam >:(

WTFAY: calm yo tits Ashton Liams nickname is daddy pain

Ashton: oh ya lol

WTFAY: so I've been learning some Spanish imma talk to Niall in Spanish

WTFAY: Harry es princessa y Louis es padre

Niall:  si

WTFAY: ademas Louis es Harry's padre

Niall: si

WTFAY: mi pene es muy grande

Niall: wtf

WTFAY: but it is

Louis: I'm so confused

WTFAY: let's call it a night


Ignore my shitty Spanish I'm just learning y'know

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