Chapter 8

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Chapter 8 (Zayn’s POV)

Danielle was gone. She was yelling for me. We were only two minutes away from home. Why did this have to happen? Why? I thought I heard her when she yelled more to my left, so I decided to start running that way. I heard her yell again “ZAYN PLEASE HELP ME! ZAYNNNN!!!!!”. I could tell that she was crying, I knew she was close enough that I could hear her, but where was she? I kept running in the direction that I thought I heard her yelling in. I wanted to yell for her, but I knew that I should be quiet, because if whoever took her thought someone had heard her and was coming, they would run and take her away even faster. All these thoughts were running through my mind like “Where were they taking her?” “Why did I take my arm off her?” “What were they going to do to her?”. I was running as fast as I could run and I thought that I may be getting closer to her, because I heard a man talking and I heard crying and it sounded like Danielle.

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