Welcome To The New Age - Divergent

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Welcome To The New Age - Divergent


Im driving home on the freeway. It was a relatively quiet day at work, nothing much going on. Couple of arrests. Nothing bad. I hear a scream, and instantly I turn, I see a girl being eaten by a - zombie? Zombies don't exist. Tris your imagining this. I make it home and see Zombies everywhere. Shit. Either this is happening or I need a mental hospital. I see people running. This is real.

I run inside and grab a backpack. I stuff tones of food, water and medical supplies in it. I can't take all day. I could be next. I put my hair up in a bun, I don't know how long it will be before I can have hot water. I've been trained in survival so know what to do in certain situations, but none like this. I head down to my attic and go to my weapon compartment.

I grab out a couple of hand guns, a shotgun, a shotgun holster for my back, tones of ammo and a couple of knives. I leave my phone because it's not going to help. I go to my room and quickly change into some black jeans, black tank top and black combat boots. I chuck in a black hoodie into my backpack. In my black jeans, there are slits for knives so I put them in.

I put the holster on. It's basically a cross that keeps my shotgun on my back. I'm well supplied. Once I step outside, I notice my cars been smashed into. There's nothing left of it. Shit. I decide to run. I jump the back fence into my neighbours and head off on foot. Until I hear crying, a little girl's crying.

I follow the crying to a shed. I open it and the girl gasps. She starts shaking really bad. "I'm not one of them" I tell her. That calms her down. "Where's your parents?" I ask. "Boston. They had to go for a work conference. They left me with a baby sitter but she turned onto one of those things" she says crying. "What's your name sweetie?" I ask. "Millicent".

"My names Tris. I can take care of you until we find your parents. My families up in boston so that's where I'm headed" I tell her. She nods. She can't be older then eight. She takes my hand and we start walking. I see people, not zombies but people. Trying to move a car. Key word being trying. They need more strength. We walk up to them and they gasp.

"We aren't zombies" I reassure them. "Thank god. We've seen too many. My name is Harley and this is Edwin. We were just trying to get this car to go back to the farm. If you can help us, we can take you with us. It's too dangerous in the city" the man - Harley - says. I nod. "My names Tris and this is Millicent" I say. "Your daughter?" Edwin asks.

I shake my head. "No. I found her crying in a shed. She was left with a sitter. Her parents are up in boston" I explain. "Let's start pushing. We have to get out of here quickly. It's not safe here" he says changing the subject. I nod and help push the mini van out of the way. Mill even helps. We manage to move it but loudly. I notice zombies coming towards us, at least 40 of them.

"Get in. Now" Edwin shouts and I help Millicent in. I jump in the back with her while the brothers jump in the front. "The zombies are attracted to noise. Trust me, we found out the hard way" Harley says once we are on our way. I nod. "Do you know how this all happened?" I ask. They both shake their heads.

"Nobody knows. It happened so quickly, but they are already looking desperately for a cure" Edwin says looking back at me. "You gonna take care of her?". I nod "I couldn't leave her there. That's cruelty. She wouldn't survive a day there" I tell them. "So what did you do for a living before all this happened?" Harley asks.

"I was a cop. What about you two?". "I'm a doctor and Harley here is an electrician" Edwin says. I nod. We continue a conversation for 20 more minutes before we take a sharp turn into a farm area. Edwin jumps out and opens the gate. Once we are in, he closes the gate and then jumps back in. It's Isolated, but not completely safe. Well safer then the cities at least.

Harley parks the car next to a two story house. It's old but beautiful. Once I step out, I have a good look around. There's a barn which I'm guessing their are animals and just hectares of land. It is beautiful. I'm snapped out of my gaze by the sounds of footsteps. I see a man, I'm guessing late 50's, stepping out of the house.

"I was worried about you two. I'm glad you made it out of the city" he then turns his attention to us. "Who's this?" Harley answers for me "This is Tris and Millicent. They helped us out of the city when our car was trapped". He scowls a little. "Aren't you a little young to have a daughter?". We don't like anything fricken alike. What the fuck.

"She's not my daughter. I found her crying in a shed. I'm taking care of her until we find her parents" I say. He is taken back. "Why didn't you just leave her. By the way, you can only stay here the night. I don't run a bed and breakfast. There's room in the barn" I'm about ready to punch him. He has no idea does he?

"Sorry about him. He doesn't know what we've seen or how bad it is out there" Edwin says walking off, Harley looks towards me and smiles, then follows. "Well we should go to the barn and get some sleep Millicent. We might not get much for a while" I tell her. She nods. "By the way Tris, thank you, for saving me. If you left me, I would have been dead" I just smile at her.

She takes my hand and we head to the barn. It's a bright vibrant red and huge. We should have plenty of room in here. I slide the door open and see a woman and man. I smile at them, letting them know I'm not a zombie. They look relieved. "Hi. I'm Christina and this is Will, my husband" the woman-Christina introduces. "I'm Tris and this is Millicent" I say.

"She your daughter? You look a little young to have a kid" she tells me laughing. I just shake my head and smile. "No. I found her in a shed crying, she was left with a sitter and her parents are in Boston" I reply. "That was kind. So you're going to take care of her now?" Will asks. I nod. "Yeah. If I left her there, she would have already been dead".

We talk for a half hour when I make Millicent go to bed. It's 8pm by my watch and she'll need it. We probably won't be getting much sleep or getting much food. I come back to Will and Christina once I've put Mill to bed. "Where you planning to go?" Christina asks me. I shrug. "Probably Boston way. That's where her and my family is" I reply.

She just smiles. "We are going Boston way too. We have a car and we'd like some company. Anyway, you seem like you can handle yourself if we run into trouble". "That sounds good. Maybe we can find somewhere to stay until this all dies down" I say. "And by the way, I'm a cop".

"Good. We need someone who can shoot" Will says. "I hate to say this, but if we are going to survive, we are going to have to loot". They nod. "Not just food stores, we will need medicine supplies, clothes for the winter, ammo and weapons and just the usual supplies" I say. Will looks sceptically at me. "You've really thought about this. Haven't you?" He asks.

"I'm trained in survival. It's instinct" I shrug. "Well we better get to sleep. God knows how long it'll be until we get to sleep again" they nod and head to their mattresses. I head to mine next to Millicent. She's going to have to grow up quick. I stare at the ceiling, how long is this going to go on for? I let darkness consume me.


New story


btw there will be

- Four/Tobias

- Marlene

- Shauna

- Lynn

- Uriah

- Zeke

In this story

NO AL, PETER OR ERIC. <<<<< die in a hole. Well I guess one of you already has sorta 😂😂😂.

I'm pretty sure no ones done a divergent fanfiction with this type of plot. Which makes me really excited. Ive been fascinated with zombie apocalypses lately.

I was inspired to do this story by watching Pewdiepie play the walking dead (yes that's also a game, not just a TV show) 😂😂

Instagram: @arenaofinitiates


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