Chapter 5

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Welcome to the new age - Divergent

Tris POV

We walk towards lookout. "Shauna" Zeke yells. "Hey keep your voice down. You don't know who's around" I hiss at him. He glares back, but I don't back down. When Shauna is down from guard and Lynn has replaced her, I go and talk to Millicent "We are going to head off now. Millicent, stay with Christina at all times. If something happens, never leave her sight ok?" I tell her. She nods.

I walk over to Christina. "Please don't let Mill out of your sight. If all turns to shit, please keep her alive. Four and I are heading off to North now" I say. Christina nods and hugs me. "Be careful" she whispers in my ear. I nod and see Four waiting for me. We check we have everything and then we head off, waving to Shauna and Zeke on the way. We start walking in the direction I presume is north.

"So. What did you tell Christina" he asks. "To not let Millicent out of her sight" I answer. He looks at me funnily. "You are very protective of her, even though she isn't yours, why?" I have never really considered why I'm so protective of her, that's when I realize. She reminds me of me. "She reminds me of myself". He nods his head.

"So your an eight year old and have black hair?" I silently chuckle. We can't be too loud. "No. She's weak and alone. And it's how I've always been" I look straight ahead. Not daring to look at him. "Hey. Look at me" I turn my head. "You are certainly not weak, if you've made it this far and you're not alone now, you have us now" he says.

"I'm still not convinced" I mutter. I notice there are some shops ahead. I grab my knife. There's a weapon, jewellery and a food shop, and also a pharmacy ahead. "Hey. Look" I whisper to Four, pointing towards the shops. He nods and pulls out his knife, well my knife and holds it out in front of himself like I do. We creep towards the stores. I signal for him to stop. Thank god he understands.

I look through the window for any signs of walkers or any alarms. Looks clear. We are at one of the food shops. "It looks pretty good from here. No alarms" I nod toward him and we step in over shattered glass. I spoke to soon, there's a walked right behind Four. I launch myself and stab the walker in the head.

He turns around and looks startled. "What was that?" He hisses. "That would be called saving your ass. A thank you would be nice" I whisper. He just laughs. I start in the fruit aisle. I get a tone of apples, apples don't tend to spoil unless they are split it open. I also go for canned food. Canned food doesn't really spoil either. I get some water bottles, big ones.

My bag is super heavy but we need it. I go check in with Four. He's reading a magazine. The type of magazine you'd find naked girls in. "Really Four. Of all the times you could be reading that, you decide to read it now?" He jumps and drops the magazine. I just roll my eyes and walk past him. As well as I can walk anyway, my bag probably ways a lot right now.

I don't bother going to the freezer aisle. It will spoil too quickly. I do go to the hygiene aisle though. I get a couple of bars of soap to attempt to keep hygiene and lady products. What? We will need it. Thank god I took one of those trekker backpacks with me. They are huge. I go find Four but see some marshmallows on my way. I pick up a bag. We at least need something to enjoy ourselves with.

I see Four going around grabbing a lot of packaged food. Good. I walk over to him. "I think we are good here. Let's go check out the other shops" he says. We walk to the pharmacy. It's all locked up, except for a vent. "Hey. That vent is gone, if you can boost me up there. I can get a tone of supplies" I say. "You're crazy" he stares at me.

"Maybe. But what happens if someone gets sick? What happens then. Excatly. So guard my shit and give me a boost" I tell him taking off my backpack and carefully placing it, well dropping it on the ground next to him. "Fine" he huffs. He lifts me up. He is surprisingly very strong, well I didn't doubt it. Just looking at his muscles you can tell. Wait what?

I climb inside the vent and grab my knife out of my jeans. I carefully crawl, slowly and as quietly as I can. I reach the end and look under me. It looks clear. I jump down quietly. That's when I'm aware there's two walkers in here. And they see me too. The first comes at me. I stab them in the forehead. One to go. I grab the back of his head and push it to the table, and stab him in the back of his head using my other hand.

I realise I can open the door from this way, to get to Four. They had it blocked off, maybe they were trying to survive but one of them must of turned. Once I open the door, a knife is right next to my head. I must have startled him. "Sorry about that" he says. "I'm fine. I just killed two walkers inside and made a bit of noise doing it. I'm pretty sure we are clear, they would have been out from the shadows by now" he nods his head.

I go grab my backpack and slug it on my back. I go around getting antibiotics, painkillers, anything I can get my hands on that will provide use to us. I make sure to get disinfectant and bandages, well lots of bandages. We are going to get bruised up. I see Four doing the same. I smile, maybe we have a chance.

But my smile quickly fades, nothing is alright and probably never will be again. The world we knew is gone, dead. We loot for five more minutes, just anything that we will need and actually use. We walk out and we walk past the jewellers towards the weapon shop. That's when I see it. It's a small little necklace that has a little bird on it, a black raven.

Four sees me staring at it. "See something you like?" He asks. "Yeah. But for Millicent" I answer and turn to continue walking. I notice Four has stopped. "Why not get it? You will probably never see it again, and the worlds gone to shit" he says. I nod and we head into the jewellers. Whose door had been smashed. I go straight to the necklace. I carefully pick it up and stare at it. It's even more stunning then through the window.

I put it in my pocket. I turn and see Four staring at me, but looks away when I catch him. "That's all I needed so let's go" I say. He nods and we head out, continuing to the weapon shop. "We will have to be careful. It'll be alarm city in there" I warn him. "Oh don't worry, I already got a plan" he looks so smug right now. What's on his mind. "Penny for your thoughts?" I ask.

"I'm actually not bad at electrical stuff. All we have to do is turn the power off" duh Tris. I nod. We are doing a lot of nodding today. I'm sure soon my head will ache. He goes around back and I assume switches the power off. "They had backup generators so I also had to 'disable' them" he says coming back around. I look through the window. It looks clear, I nod to Four. Again with the nodding like geez.

We walk inside and it's weapon heaven. I start smiling like a maniac. We have hit the jackpot. I notice Fours bag is practically empty compared to mine. I see lots of sets of knives. I grab 3 sets. I also see a bow. And a crossbow. "Hey Four do you know how to use a crossbow?" I ask. He shakes his head. I show him the crossbow. "When we get back to the motel, wanna learn?" I ask.

He eagerly nods his head. He looks like a child on Christmas. I give him the cross bow and the arrow bag, with 30 arrows. I grab the steel recurve bow that sits on the shelve and another arrow bag. It has 30 arrows as well. I also see a lot of guns and more backpacks. I grab a backpack and get a tone of ammo and guns.

I see Four doing the same. I also grab snipers. Could be handy for lookout. There is also an axe, so I make sure to grab it. After 10 minutes of scanning for weapons, we walk out fully loaded. "Well that's us done" I notice on my watch it's 3 o'clock already. "C'mon we need to head back before it gets dark".



Instagram: @arenaofinitiates

2nd Instagram: @sheovideos

It's one of the longest chapters I've ever made so enjoy

PS my autocorrect changes a lot of words so sorry if there's mistakes

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