Chapter 4

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Welcome to the new age - Divergent


I'm shaken awake by Millicent. "Hi" I smile at her. "Hi. Four asked me to come wake you up and to tell you that it's 7am" she tells me. Why couldn't Four do it himself? "Thanks" I get up. "Have you eaten yet?" I continue. She shakes her head, "c'mon, let's go get you some food, I need to get my backpack anyway".

When we walk out of the hotel room, I take in the sight. Shauna is on guard, and everyone else seems to be in the dining room. I point towards the dining room for Millicent and she nods, so we walk into there. All eyes turn to us once we walk in, "what's the plan for today chief?" I turn to see who talked and I notice it's Four.

"We all have something to eat, but only enough to keep us going, this food is going to have to last us. We then head out, at around 8 into town. But the two pairs go to different parts of town. We stay out there for as long as possible, but try to make it back by dark" I answer. Lynn snorts, "who signed you up to be leader know-it-all?" She spits out.

"Nobody, but someone has gotta do it. Do you all want to end up dead?" I answer, but ask to no one in particular. They don't say anything. "Ok I'm going to go sort out food portions for today so everyone eats" I say walking away. I walk until I reach the RV, unlocked, thank god. I walk in and open the wardrobe, again unlocked.

I grab the box that says Food and lift it down but it's heavy. Suddenly, a pair of hands come to stabilize it. I never knew it was that heavy. I notice it's Four. "Thanks" I say. He smiles. "No problem". He puts it down on the table and I slide into one of the chairs that sit next to the table, it's like a booth. He slides in across from me.

"How many people do we have to feed?" I ask. "11. Including us" he answers. I'm about to start sorting through the food when I ask him, "can we make a deal". He cocks an eyebrow, "it depends on the type of deal". "If we are short on food, Millicent always eats before me". He looks at me blankly. "I can't promise that".

"Why not? She's a growing child. She needs food more then me" I say. He just shakes his head. "You need food too". "You'd be surprised how long I can survive without food" I mumble but I know he heard me. When I was a teen, I was bullied. Called Fat and Ugly, so I stopped eating as much. I start portioning out for the day. We have 100 objects of food. They must have looted before. There are 12 apples, I grab all of them and put them on the table.

"Looks good. That for breakfast?" He asks. I shake my head. "That's for the whole day" he gawks at me. "You can't expect people to survive on just this everyday" he raises his voice. "We have no choice, otherwise we WILL die of starvation" I say standing. He looks shocked. "Why should we listen to you? You got here yesterday"

He says also standing. "Like it or not, I'm your best chance of surviving" I snap back. Just then, the door opens, Zeke stands there. "Roar, the lions have been released". Both our heads snap that way. Four gets a smug look on his face, "Zeke. What should we do about food? For breakfast eat an apple then eat lunch and dinner or have an apple to last us the whole day" he asks.

I realise why he looks so smug. He thinks Zeke will agree with him. If Zeke is dumb, he will, but if he's smart enough, he won't. "Apple for the whole day. Yeah we will be hungry but we won't starve when we run out of food" Fours face drops. "See, I was right dumbass. He won't even agree to my deal" Zeke looks confused. "What deal would that be".

I can see Four is about to talk but I cut him off, "that if we are too short on food, Millicent always eats before me". Zeke nods. "I agree, but you can't be the one to always go without food for her. I can go without as well if she needs it" I shake my head. "I couldn't ask you do to that, I can survive on barely nothing, I'm not going to take food off you".

"Tris. You need food. No arguments. So does Millicent. That's what this is really about" I just huff. I step forward towards Zeke. "I don't need much food to survive. Millicent is more important. She needs to survive" I say quietly. "You need to too. Your most trained in survival. You can't starve yourself for this girl. I won't let you" Four butts in.

"I'll be fine" I reassure them before walking out with the box of apples. I walk around handing out apples and explaining what will happen. That we will have to go easy on food, so we don't run out. They all agree. I hand two apples to Millicent though, she needs it. She hasn't eaten in a day. She smiles gratefully at me.

I arrive back at the RV and see Four and Zeke sitting down at the booth table, talking. I chuck two apples at them, leaving the last for me. "How many apples were there?" Zeke asks. "12. Everyone got one, but I gave Millicent two, she didn't eat much yesterday" I answer. "Neither did you then" Four butts in.

I just ignore him. I check my watch. "8 o'clock. We better get Shauna and head out. Which side of town should both partners take? I don't know Cleveland that well" I say. "There's the north, West, south and east. We have already looted the south since we are in the south, me and Shauna will do east then attempt the west. You and Four can take the north, it takes longer to get there on foot" Zeke answers.

I nod. "Sounds good. Do you all have backpacks?" I ask. Four and Zeke both shake their heads. I go into the cupboard and grab out the box that says Storage and grab out that Four backpacks that sit in there. I slug the one on my back that's mine. Leaving us with three, perfect. "These are Christina's and Will's but I don't think they will mind us using them" I chuck a backpack at Four and then Zeke.

"Alright. Next thing, how armed are you two?". I look at Four "I just have my gun" he smirks, "me too" Zeke adds. I look at the pair, "can you use a knife?" I ask. They both nod. I put the lighter box back and grab the box labelled weapons, it's a bigger box then most. It has hand guns, my set of 4 knives and my shotgun. I grab out the four knives.

I put one in my jeans then set the other three on the table. "We should be able to get more weapons when we raid weapon shops, just be careful to not set off alarms. Sound attracts zombies" I say. "You mean Walkers?" Four asks confused. "You guys call the zombies walkers?" They nod. "Alright, Walkers will come from everywhere if you set off an alarm so be careful, and please don't loose those knives if you can help it".

"We won't" Zeke answers for both of them. "Ok. Try to use your knives but keep your handgun as a last resort" they nod. "Alright. I think that's everything. Let's go get Shauna".


This chapter took all night 😂😂

Also, I forgot to mention, please follow @casesbyoliviarose, it's an incredible business that I happen to be modelling for. I start once the first item comes in the mail :)

Instagram: @arenaofinitiates
2nd Instagram: @sheovideos

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