Tears Of Blood.

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-Third person's POV-

It was a small dark and cramped up room. It was filled with spiders web on every corner of the room. Dust were flying freely and occasionally, when the light from the sun, shines into the room through an old dusty window, we could see the white dust in the room. It was moldy and the smell of mold fumes up the room entirely. The door squeaked every time someone opens it. The lights flicker at night and creates scary shadows. The bed smelt old and the pillows was...well, not really a pillow anymore. The stuffing inside was gone. So it's practically an empty pillow case.

No one would step their foot in that room, better yet, stay in the room! But, one particular male, a male with fern green hair and red eyes was cooping himself up in that room. He sighed over and over again until he lost count. He gripped his shirt tightly,covering up his body. He was shivering and there is not a day that pass where this male did not regret his actions. He can't help it. His enemy, target and nemesis is his first love.

Watanuki Sakuya is Tsubaki's subclass. After the big fight between Tsubaki and Kuro, Sakuya flee away and hid himself from everyone else. Yes, Mahiru forgave him but he can't forgive himself. He's been in love with Mahiru ever since he met him! But, Mahiru is now dating his SerVamp, Sleepy Ash of Sloth, or Kuro. Sakuya can't move on and can't accept that, and he's still in love with Mahiru. But, what's the point? Mahiru treats him just like a friend and that hurts him so much.

He wrapped his arms around his legs. He looked sorrow and sad. Something in him had been taken away and that would be his best friend and first love, Shirota Mahiru. The green headed male sighed again and then, someone barged into the room without knocking.

"C'mon...Don't tell me you're still sulking?" A male in traditional looking clothes walked in, his hands on his hips.

Sakuya looked up and groaned. "Go away...You're the last person I want to see right now.." He mumbled, burying his face in his shirt. The other male walked into the room. He has black hair and red eyes. He also wore a sunglasses along with his yukata.

"Get over it! It's been like a few months already."

Sakuya stood up. His facial expression changed from sorrow to crazy. "WHAT DO YOU UNDERSTAND?! YOU'RE THE ONE WHO MADE ME LIKE THIS!" He screamed.

"Don't blame it on me...It's obvious from day one that nii-san and Mahiru would date...It's just obvious..you're the one denying..." The black haired male said.


"Calm down! Sheesh! You're acting all crazy again!" Tsubaki exclaimed, hitting Sakuya on the head. The other male crouched down and winced in pain. He rubbed his head.

"Ouch....You're making me crazy Tsubaki..." Sakuya said.

The male by the name Tsubaki, sighed and sat on the old bed. "Why are you so fixated and obsess with Mahiru? You're good looking..and popular with girls...you could get any girl easily."

"You don't understand. Mahiru trust me! And I trust him! Unlike everyone else, no mater how bad I became, he won't turned tail and run!" Sakuya explained.

"Sakuya...I didn't free you just so you can mope around feeling sorry for yourself." Tsubaki said sarcastically. "I hoped you understand what i'm trying to say." Besides...If he treats you like a friend..then, you should just go along..."

Sakuya stood up again. His face was crazy all of a sudden. "NO WAY! I'M NOTTTTTTTTT DOING THATTTTTT!!!!!!! I LOVE MAHIRU! AND THAT'S HOW IT'S GOING TO BEEEE!!!"

Tsubaki held up his hand and sighed again. "Stop it! You're sick!"

Sakuya glared at Tsubaki and yanked him by his arm. Sakuya's grip was so hard that Tsubaki winced in pain. "Don't run your fucking mouth like you understand shit about me!" He exclaimed, gripping Tsubaki's arm.

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