what happened after dinner

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"You know what?" Nicolas said "now that you've mentioned that we're dating do you maybe want to go do that thing we've talked about?"

She gave him an add look then a big smile while looking back infront of her at the two staring faces.

"I'm sorry. Looks like the boss is awake." She said giving Nicholas a naughty smile.

"See, this is what she does. She gives this smile that just..." he started and look at her that still looked at him. "It's super sexy."

She gave a blush and pull in her lips as she look down then back at the two as Nicholas place his hand under the table on her leg.

After dinner he took Isabelle's hand and they left his ex wife's house.

"Where are we going?" asked Isabelle looking at him with a cute smile.

"A place where i'll will be alone with the most prettiest woman I've ever known." He replied with that handsome smile of his.

Isabelle was speechless. She just stare at Nicolas and didn't know what to say.

After a while of silence Isabelle looked at Nicolas like she burned to ask him something important.

"Am I really the prettiest women I've seen?" She popped up the question.

Nicolas stop the car and looked Isabelle in the eyes all turned to her while she sat there in shock at the sudden stop.

"Isabelle, you are the most beautiful women I have ever seen. No one can change that no matter what. And just in case you've wondered, there's no one like you." He said leaning closer to her. She gave a big blush also leaning in closer to him.

After it felt like a few minutes has past, their lips finally touch

They were kissing for a long time and both of them felt something they never felt in their lives before. If they did it was all mistaken.

Once they stopped kissing they realized that they both have feelings for each other.

But didn't want to say anything. They were both quiet after the kiss just staring into each other's eyes.

Finally Nicolas breaks the silence. He took a deep breath. "Isabelle, there is something i would like to tell you."

Isabelle is still quiet after the kiss. She just stared at Nicolas as if he's some stranger she fell inlove with a few seconds ago but only seems to know him better than ever.

"What do you want to tell me Nick?" asked Isabelle scanning his face.

"I've always loved Isabelle, from the day I laid my eyes on you. But I didn't know how to tell you because I was scared that I was gonna loose you if I told you how i felt about you." He spoke his heart out.

Isabelle was shocked. he didn't know how to react whether she should deny it or allow her heart to go on. Isabelle also have feeling for Nicolas but was also scared to tell him.

Then she grabbed him by his collar and pull him closer to her and give him a kiss that leave him shocked and breathless just so that she'll be able to ignore the awkwardness he left her with.

"I won't run away from you Nicolas. I love you too and nothing anyone would say or do would change how i feel about you." She said touching his cheek nicely.

Nicolas is so happy to hear those words from Isabelle that he grabbed her around the waist and pull her in a big hug

"You know you just made me the happiest man on earth by saying those words." Nicolas smiled warmly. He look down then back up at her and asked. "Isabelle would you like to go on a date with me next friday night?"

"I would love to go on a date with you Nicolas." She replied.

They smile and drove off to her home.


Stella sat on the one side of the furniture reading a book and Nick on the other side half asleep on the couch. He open his eyes and look at Stella. He sat up straight and wipe out his eyes.

"I've been here for hours and you didn't say a single word about yourself." Nick said trying to adjust the light.

"That's because I don't talk about myself." Stella said sarcastic looking at him then back at her book.

"Are you for real?" he asked looking at her. She ignored him. He grab her book and stand up holding it in the air.

"Nick give back my book!" Stella shout. Men was like a horrible love story to Stella. For her even Romeo went from inlove to it's complicated. Just look at it, so inlove then the next moment dead, how can't we know that he also had a deal on then accidentally fell inlove with Juliette. Just some things we'll never know.

"Make me." Nick tease. Stella stood up and try to grab the book.

"Just give it back!" she shout.

"Not before you tell me about your life." Nick gave her a waiting facial expression.

"Fine." Stella gave up. She role her eyes and fold her arms.

"I live with my mother, My father is a dork. I read books. And I love listening to dubsteps. Happy?" Stella hold out her hand for the book.

Nick look at the book and put it behind his back. "Looks like you're gonna have to fight for it." Nick smiled.

"Oh my gosh!" Stella roared frustrated and try to get the book from him. He was laughing and with time she was also laughing thinking about how silly she should look like now.

The next moment Nick trip over his own feet and fell to the ground and Stella fell right with him. She role to her back and laugh with him till the tears rolled.

She look to her left and see Nick staring at her as if he was lost in a maze.

"What?" She ask.

"How can't you be famous?" He asked laying on his right and she went lying on her left and they look at each other.

"I chose not to be." She smiled and close her eyes. She even looked pretty with her eyes closed.

"I wish you were the singing girl." He whispered but she was already asleep. He closed his eyes and also drifted off to sleep.

The house door went open and Isabelle and Nick came in and froze when they saw the two laying there on the mat in their deep sleeps.

"Oh my gosh, just look at that." Isabelle smiled in a whispered. She look at Nicolas. "Rather that than naked." He joked.

"You're so full of it Nicolas Keeble." She smiled and head to the two sleeping souls.

"Oh so now we're flirting?" Nicolas giggled.

"You're flirting mister, not me?" She winked at him.

"If you say so." Nicolas smiled at her. She smiled then woke Stella up. Nicolas woke Nick.

They both stood up and Stella look at them trying to adjust the light. "What time is it?" She asked.

"Time to go to bed. You can take a bath tomorrow morning." Isabelle said.

"Good night Stella." Nick greeted Stella and gave her back her book and walk out. Stella gave her mom a little smile then walked off.

Isabelle gave a little giggle and walk with Nicolas to her door.

"Thanks for the night. It was great." Isabelle smiled.

"No problem. Thanks for what you did back there and not running away after what happened." Nicolas laughed. "Sweet dreams. See you monday."

Isabelle blush and gave him a kiss and a hug. She wave him goodbye and went in.

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