Chapter 7

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Important Note: I don't know much about basketball so please let me know if there's any mistakes.

Chapter 7 – Basketball

Turns out I do attend the game.

It's Friday evening and I'm at the subway station, waiting for my friends to arrive with Alex. We both have coffee cups in our hands and are stating things on our bucket list that we will do someday, to pass the time. Lily and Christian are coming up for the weekend and I'm very excited to see them again. We always have fun when everyone is together.

"Skydive." Alex states, taking a sip of his cappuccino before looking at me with a mischievous twinkle in his eyes.

"You would never!" I slap his arm, making him let out a girlish scream when his coffee nearly spills.

"I'm serious!"

"You can't even handle rollercoasters, how are you going to be comfortable with skydiving?" I snort unladylike, glancing at my watch.

"Rollercoasters come before skydiving on my list." He smiles sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck. "When I overcome that fear, I think I'll be okay to fall out of the sky."

Chuckling, I drink the last of my latte before walking to the nearest bin and throwing it in, returning to the little corner we are occupying. As I open my mouth, the speakers cut me off, announcing the next arrival. I watch as Alex straightens and dusts doughnut crumbs off his shirt.

We wait until the subway comes to a stop before standing on our tiptoes to catch sight of our friends. Being short is not helping me in this matter. Soon, we spot their familiar faces and wave them over. Lily lets out a squeal and launches herself at me, winding me from the impact. I greet Christian next and we chat our way to the car.

We arrive at the school in record time and find a place to sit in the gym with our friends around us. The place is getting full quite fast, seats are being taken up at a rapid pace and people are coming down the stairs with snacks and drinks in their hands. Everyone is invited as it's an open game. Parents, family, friends, town folk; anyone who caught wind of the upcoming big game during the past month.

I swat Alex's hand away when he ruffles my hair, handing me my food and drink before taking a seat next to Sophia and Damon further down. He sticks his tongue out at me before winking and turning back to face the front.

"So, any news. What's been going on, Rory?" Lily asks, using my nickname, before throwing a piece of popcorn and hitting Alex's neck perfectly.

I chuckle, taking a sip of my drink before shrugging. "Nothing much, same old school and homework."

"Are you holding up okay?" Christian asks next, making me nod back with a small smile.

I know he's referring to my parents and living alone. What I don't mention is the kidnapping that happened last week. I had a lengthy talk with Vulcan, demanding answers and for action to be taken. Furious that I was kidnapped and held in a cell where I was beaten for wanting answers, I wanted those men to pay for what they did to me. 

Vulcan had told me that those men were a part of his community but, he didn't expect them to treat anyone with brutality. He reassured me over and over that he has taken care of the men himself by turning them into the police so I could charge them. Darius and Theia also got involved when I told them, overlooking the details when an officer came over last week to take my statement, telling me that they are going away for a very long time. The news has relieved me completely, knowing I got justice for what I went through, but I know it's going to take a long time to recover from what happened. 

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