Chapter 34

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Chapter 34 – Thirst for Blood

I'm thrown on the king size bed, a sense of déjà vu creeping up in me as Vulcan speeds back to lock the door before turning to stare at me with his arms crossed in an intimidating manner. I can see the anger in his eyes, a sharp contrast from the expressionless face this morning.

After a long period of silence and an awkward staring contest, he speaks...well, more like seethes. "Where the hell were you today?"

"You know where." I mumble, picking at imaginary lint on my shirt.

"God dammit, Aurora!" He suddenly yells, punching the wall with his fist. "Why don't you understand?"

I gasp, staring at the hole in the wall with wide eyes before looking back at him. His chest heaves while he runs a hand through his already tousled hair. I jump out of my skin when he curses, fearing how angry he can get in the next few moments. Will he lose control or worse, hurt me? No, I'm sure that he won't lay a hand on me, he's not like that. The losing control part however, I'm not entirely sure.

"You cannot go running off like that without informing me! Do you how how worried I got when I found that you weren't in school or in the fucking area!"

I snort, unladylike as I get off the bed and stand beside it. "Worried, sure. You didn't seem to give a damn this morning and you expect me to believe that you were worried about me?"

"What the hell are you talking about?" He yells, glaring at me.

"What happened last night?" I ask quietly, almost afraid of the answer as I watch him stiffen. "Will you be so kind as to tell me what I did? You were all cheery with Chloe this morning but as soon as I step into the room, it's back to making Aurora feel like shit time!"

"What are you -"

My eyes well up with tears as I pour out my frustration. ''I felt like crap the entire night and today, thinking I had upset you over what, I don't even know.''

I turn and walk over to the window, looking out at the lake that sparkles under the moonlight. My body trembles with sobs, some escaping my lips as I stand there, failing to calm myself down.

''I know I'm not as experienced like the other girls you've been with so if -''

I'm cut off by my own gasp when he whirls me around to face him, a thundering growl escaping his lips as he grips my chin before uttering dangerously. "Don't you dare talk bad about yourself Aurora, I will not tolerate it."

"But, it's true." I whisper, sniffling as I look up into his dark eyes.

He shakes his head, wrapping an arm around my waist to pull me closer. I almost sigh at the contact, tingles shooting up my spine where his hand lies. I rest my head on his chest in exhaustion, wanting him to hold me forever.

"Being inexperienced is nothing to be ashamed of, baby. In fact, it makes me want you so much more, you are pure in every way. Others pale in comparison to you, Aurora." He guides me to the armchair and takes a seat before pulling me onto his lap.

His large hand swipes at my wet cheeks, kissing my temple as he guides my head to his chest, holding me in a protective manner whilst I sniffle occasionally.

This day is all shades of messed up and I hate it. He has managed to plague my mind with insecurities and doubts about myself. Yes, I know I'm too innocent, my Dad and the boys in my life had been too over-protective whilst I was growing up, making sure to scare away any guy who tried to approach me.

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