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Chapter 52 - Christmas Festivities & Promises

The day has finally arrived.

I wake up this morning to soft murmurings outside in the hallway as people pass by our door, everyone slowly rousing from their slumber. Vulcan is currently spooning me from behind, his face nestled into the crook of my neck with his chin resting on my shoulder, letting his warm breath expel onto my heated skin in small puffs.

Rubbing the sleep from my eyes, I turn to face him, cuddling up to him further which causes him to stir slightly. Hazy emeralds meet my grey ones, looking down at me with tenderness and love. Raising my hand, I trail the back of my knuckles across his cheek, his stubble tickling my skin, and he hums in content with a sleepy smile.

"Hi, good morning." I whisper softly, cupping his cheek in my small hand.

"Good morning, sweetheart." He greets in return, his husky and deep baritone still laden with sleep, making me swoon instantly.

His arms tighten around me before he dips down and presses his lips to mine gently. I sigh in utter bliss, our bodies molding perfectly against each other and my hand slips from his cheek to rest on his chest. His soft lips move against mine, creating tingles on my skin. I moan softly but pout when he pulls away, immediately curling into his side. There is a slight pause and I can feel hesitation rolling off him in waves and through our mate bond. He takes a slight intake of air before asking the question on his mind. 

"Are you okay?"

I gaze at him quizzically, brows furrowing. "What do you mean? I'm perfectly okay."

He sighs, fingertips trailing over my bare arm soothingly. "I heard you crying in the bathroom before you came to bed last night. Don't lie to me, Aurora."

I still in his arms before relaxing when he presses a gentle kiss to my temple. Shrugging halfheartedly, I avoid his eyes and instead focus on our intertwined hands. "I just miss my parents that's all. It's going to be my first Christmas without them, just the first of many. I'm finding it hard."

"It's okay to talk about it you know? I'm always here." He murmurs, tipping my chin up so that I look directly into his eyes as he speaks.

I nod, sending him a weak smile. I let out a shuddering breath, feeling my throat tighten and my vision blur with tears. "Does it ever get easier? Missing them?"

He smiles painfully before nodding. "I promise you that it will, baby girl. But, it will take some time before I hear or find you crying by yourself."

He sits up and I let him wipe my traitorous tears away before he picks me up and settles me in his lap, winding his arms around my waist. "You miss them? Come to me. You want to talk about them? Come to me. You want to cry your eyes out. Come to me. Because I will always be here for you, Aurora. Never forget that."

I smile gratefully, turning to face him slightly and kissing him sweetly. Pulling away, I cup his face in both hands before pressing our foreheads together. "Thank you, Vulcan."

"Anything for you, my light. Now, let's go shower and join everybody downstairs okay?" He grins boyishly at my loud squeal of surprise as he gets off the bed with me still in his arms, carrying me to the bathroom.

I shake my head playfully when his eyes sparkle with mischief and lust, already knowing that we are both going to be more than a little late.

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