Chapter 30

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Chapter 30 - Discoveries.

When we land in the US, Mr Alvaro explains that a bus is waiting to take us back to the school so it'll be easier for parents to pick us up. We have been riding in the vehicle for quite a while now and I'm starting to get restless from sitting too long.

The bus finally pulls into the parking lot of the school making me sigh in relief, my butt has been numb from sitting for hours on end, only getting up for a bathroom break if we happened to stop anywhere before we moved on again. I look out the window, trying to see if Vulcan has arrived yet to pick me up but, his car is nowhere in sight. Shrugging, I pick up my backpack and make my way off the bus, thanking the driver before pulling my duffel bag out of the trunk.

Sophia and Alex offer me a ride back but I decline, explaining how Vulcan is on his way to pick me up. Kayla and Max hug me goodbye saying they'll see me tomorrow and Theo whispers in my ear, mindful of the students around us, that Vulcan is stuck in traffic so I'll have to wait just a little longer. I nod, bidding him goodbye and watch him walk off to his car. He has to drive somewhere else before going back to the pack house otherwise I would have caught a lift with him.

Soon, the bus leaves along with the students and Mr. Alvaro, who has gone inside the school, and now it's just Kaden and I. We lean against the wall of the school, our bags thrown on the ground beside our feet. The wind blows gently, the cloudy grey skies a stark change from the sunny weather in Rome.

"You can go if you want, my ride's just a little late." I look up at Kaden, scowling when he pulls out a cigarette.

He smiles sheepishly before tucking it back into the box, knowing how I can't stand it. "The Sensei never leaves its grasshoppers alone and defenseless."

"Alright, listen here buddy," I push myself from the wall and poke a finger to his chest. "A ninja is simply never alone and defenseless as you so put it. You can't claim to be a ninja without mad fighting skills, which I have."

I ignore the sound of a car pulling in and parking, thinking it must be some teacher or janitor. Instead, I focus on Kaden's skeptical stare, whilst he dusts imaginary lint off his leather jacket before looking at me with a raised brow. Although, I know he's joking, I take this very seriously.

"You only call yourself a ninja, you don't possess the skills that come with the title."

My jaw drops at his accusation, he isn't aware of the countless of pranks I have pulled that were downright genius! I curse at him before charging forward, but before I can land a hit, he picks me up and throws me over his shoulder whilst laughing loudly as he twirls us around. I chuckle, slapping his back in return and telling him to let me down. Instead, he pulls me down and carries me in his arms, bridal style making me dizzy as the world spins around me. Squealing, I clutch his arm, telling him to stop when I feel a nauseous feeling creep up in my belly.

He has just set me on my feet when a thundering roar echoes through the quiet school yard, causing us to freeze while our heads snap towards the sound. Oh shit! I think when my eyes meet furious red ones.


He's being held back by Indigo and Nikolai, half morphed into his deadly beast with elongated canines and claws, his muscles strained whilst he shakes uncontrollably. I thought I had seen Vulcan furious before but clearly not since this is the angriest I have seen him be. He looks ready to destroy anything that obstructs his path with the way he glares at us, completely livid.

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