Part 8

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Very slowly, with her trembling lips, Kashish dares to reach Sujal's cheek. Her lips, emitting heat out of nervousness. She knows not what to make out of this situation - is it need; is it lust or is it love? Whatever it might be, the answer is only one - Sujal!

And today, her feelings are at height! Holding herself is not in her control. As much she wants this right now, she knows not what she has wanted ever to this extent! It could only be his presence, prior to their marriage, when they both were unmarried and were madly in love with each other! But then again, it all has come down to Sujal, that she has wanted ever.

As she places on his cheek, the much desired, sweet, slow kiss - the evidence of her fluttering feelings for him, the windows swing open by the air pressure. As if the whole universe is rejoicing, this ultimate connecting of hearts! This much awaited meeting of two lovers, who were drifted apart by fate!

How miraculous it looks - god, the nature has always rejoiced when these two have met! Be it in the form of rain, when they danced together, to bring out their happiness; to make the world know that yes they are in love, that yes they are soulmates - for being which, you don't necessarily have to get married, it is the heart that chooses, not the marriage that approves a lover! Or in the form of fast moving wind - wind not storm. Because now storm has no place to enter their lives. The only thing they deserve to feel is the tickling caused by soft blowing air. Air, which would flicker Kashish's hair. The delicate tendril of which, would Sujal remove from her face, causing her to shiver a little out of sheer pleasure, as his finger would brush through her skin. Can this be concluded now that pairs are made in heaven?

Unable to control themselves any longer, their heart beating frantically; their eyes and heart filled with nothing but immense love and a little with tears, they embrace each other into a tight hug. The velocity of which is directly propotional to that of their feelings for each other. The depth of their love for each other cannot go unnoticed today; not after this hug, this much desired hug.

For Sujal, it is like he has got his life back at last! Till today he had been living for the sake of living, but henceforth, he'll live because he wants to live! He wants to live with his Kashish; he wants to live for his Kashish. He wants to live not with hatred and grief filled in his heart; he wants to live with a heart filled with immense love for Kashish. Now he won't have to torture himself by remembering all the golden moments he had spent with her, which has lasted no more; rather he would create many more beautiful moments with her, which he'll cherish forever; which they'll cherish forever.

And when someone understands your feelings completely, without you uttering a word, the feeling you get, is just not happiness, it is ecstasy! This is exactly what they both are feeling right now. They pour their heart out through this hug. The hug, they both were craving for.

F - Thodasa pyar hua hai,
Thoda hai baki.
Thodasa pyar hua... hai,
Thoda hai baki.

And rest of the night passes by loving each other; by showing to each other how one is incomplete without the other; how this night is so precious for both of them; how much they both mean to each other; how they are soulmates! How they have all the rights to be with each other. How much they trust each other to give one another the right to take the next step in their marriage. Kashish keeps none of the stone unturn, to show her affection for her beloved husband; for her Sujal! The reciprocation of love from Sujal's side is no less. He for the first time, since their marriage feels that henceforth they are going to live like true husband and wife. They don't have to fake it, that they are happily married. Henceforth, they will indeed be happily married! They will lead a life full of love, full of blessings! This moment holds so much potential. This moment means so much to him. This moment is life for him.

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