Chapter 19

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I bought 15 shoes that were $45 each so I used $675 of my dads money on shoes. I bought 20 dresses that were on BOGO "buy one get one half off on dresses" is what it said inside the store so I used $1050 since the dresses were $70 for each dress. Now I admit that is quite a lot of money haha. The accessories all together were $75 since some of them are fancy and from fancy stores. When I went home I had SOOOOOO many bags like I created a whole closet.

 When I went home I had SOOOOOO many bags like I created a whole closet

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I walked in the front door

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I walked in the front door.

"Dads! I'm home I think I bought a new closet can you help me?!" I yelled upstairs\

"Yea we will be down in a minute let us get our shoes on!" Kurt yelled.

"Okay. Hurry up!" I replied

They walked downstairs, out the door and to my car and saw all of the bags.

"Oh my gosh I think we have another fashionista in the family!" Blaine said.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Ask your other dad Kurt." Blaine replied.

Kurt walks out the front door in shock.

"OMG wow! I love all of these clothes, shoes and accessories!" Kurt said in surprise.

"Well I think I now know the fashionista in the family" I said.

"Yea well we clearly have another one I can't believe all of this!" Kurt replied shocked

"Yea, that's what I said" Blaine said laughing

"Well, lets unpack the bags and then pack them back up in yours and some of mine suitcases!" Kurt said laughing.

"I'm glad you guys aren't mad!" I said in shock.

"Why would we be mad we said buy anything you want?" Blaine said

"Yea I guess you're right... I just get nervous sometimes because well, I've never gone shopping in the mall before usually just cheap thrift shops with shirts or pants that are a dollar." I said

"Wow I'm glad you didn't bring those with you. I think I would pass out!" Kurt said.

"Well we wouldn't want that!" I said laughing.

"Lets get these inside and packed in a few suitcases before you leave tomorrow morning" Blaine said.

"Yea we don't want you to be late for your flight." Kurt said.

"Yeah, I still need to take a shower..." I said

"Then lets hurry now!" Kurt said grabbing as many bags as he could and headed inside.

"Lets go" I said laughing while grabbing as much as I could.

"Lets go" I said laughing while grabbing as much as I could

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We packed all my stuff up using my suitcases. When we finished it was about 5:30 so we decided to go out to dinner at Bob Evans.

"Hi, Table for 3 please" I told the hostess when we arrived.

"Right this way" She said leading us to a table.

Kurt and Blaine sat beside each other and I sat across from them.

"Your waitress will be right with you" She said.

"Okay" Blaine said.

"Do you know what you want to eat?" Kurt asked me.

"Honestly I haven't been here in a while, so I'll have to look it over" I said.

"well, same with me. Everything looks good" Blaine said laughing

"Hello my name is Ella, ill be your server today would you like to start off with a drink?" Our waitress said.

"Yes, we would love too. What do you want Ellie?" Kurt said asking me.

"Yeah, I would like a Strawberry-Banana Smoothie please." I said.

"Okay that will take a little longer." She replied

"That's fine" I replied.

"Ok and for you two?" She asked Kurt and Blaine

"I'll have a sweet and creamy cappuccino." Kurt said.

"Ok and you?" She said to Blaine

"Yeah I'll have a Caramel Mocha" Blaine said

She wrote them down

"Ok I'll try to get them out at the same time" She said.

"Okay thanks" I said

Ella walked away.

"Looking over the menu I think I really want a breakfast item." I said.

"I know it all looks good." Blaine said

"Well I think I am gonna get a The Green Goddess Salad" Kurt said.

"I would love a blueberry crepe with oatmeal" Blaine said.

"Well after looking all over the breakfast foods I think I want to have the cinnemon supreeme hotcakes." I said.

"Well, we have a hotcakes lover here!" Kurt said laughing.

"Here are your drinks, the Strawberry  Banana Smoothie, the sweet and creamy cappuchino, and finaly last but not least your caramel mocha." Ella the waitress said.

"Are you guys ready to order?" Ella asked politly.

"Actually we are." Kurt said smiling

"Ok, what would you like sir" She said looking at Kurt

"Well, i would like the Green Goddess Salad with Italian dressing" Kurt replied to her.

"Ok, and for you?" She said looking at me.

"Oh, um I would like the cinnamon supreeme hotcakes please, and thank you" I said kindly.

"You're welcome and you sir?" Looking at Blaine

"I would like the Blueberry crepe with oatmeal, please and thank you" Blaine said.

The waitress came back and said "Once you're done you can pay over by where you came in, here is your bill"

"Ok, thank you so much." Kurt said.

We all finished our food and Blaine headed to the pay line. Kurt and I headed to the car.

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