Chapter 9

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I ran in my bedroom really excitedly and jumped on my bed. I started texting Ricky right away.

To: Ricky

Hey Rick I got good news and bad news!
Good news is I was adopted by two great guys their names are Kurt and Blaine. Bad news is I don't know if I can go on tour with you because the judge said I couldn't see you until two years. But hey I'm still in Simi Valley still 55 minutes away.

and SEND

I thought I would wait a long time because he's busy getting ready for tour but he responded in 1 minute.

*buzz buzz*

From: Ricky

OMG GIRL WHOS THIS RICK YOU SPEAK OF? OMG YOUR ADOPTED!!! I can't believe they even let gays adopt that's weird I'm not sure if I like "our" new dads. And I'm sorry you can't make it you know what in two years we'll have a date all to our selves so that we can catch up on things. And that's great that your still in Simi Valley.

To: Ricky

Its just a nickname I came up for you. I actually like these guys there fun and younger than you think. I think their like mid 30's? I'm not sure I don't pay attention to age but the point is these guys are great parents and they love me. I do miss mom and dad honestly I do I pray about them. I wish one day I could see them again is what I say when I see a shooting star.

*buzz buzz*

From: Ricky

Well MY NAMES NOT RICK!!!!!!!!!!! Lol. I'm happy you like them but I guess I can't judge them until I meet them. Have fun and ill talk to the guys about rescheduleing the tour ok good thing is we haven't posted about it yet so it may just work out I'll see if we can wait for two more years but it may be that we go somewhere else and then head to Simi Valley I'm not sure I'll talk to the guys about it text you later gotta eat dinner ok love ya sister.

To: Ricky

OK have a good dinner I got to eat as well so ttyl (talk to you later).


"COMING!" I said.

I walked into the kitchen and saw what we we're having for dinner. We are having Turkey and mashed potatoes with green beans.

"You know I actually like veggies" I said.

"Oh that's good cause you'll be eating them everyday for dinner" Blaine said.

We walked into the big dining room and sat down and ate our dinner.

"Compliments to the chef." I said.

"Thanks!" Kurt and Blaine said in unison.

I burst out laughing.

"What?" Kurt said.

"You both said thanks at the same time but I only said chef not chefs" I said.

Kurt and Blaine looked at each other.

"Yeah, I know I'm not funny just trying to have a good mood." I said.

"No it's OK it was pretty funny but we didn't really feel like laughing cause we're tired." Blaine said.

"Oh, ok well talking about being tired I'm gonna do the dishes and then hit the hay." I said.

"Ok here's our dishes." Kurt said.

"Thanks" I said.

I washed the dishes since I'm used to it. I did the dishes at The Gordannas I thought I'd do them.

"Ok well, goodnight Blaine goodnight Kurt." I said.

"Goodnight sweetie have a good night." Blaine said.

"Yes, goodnight Ellie" Kurt said.

I gave them hugs and went to bed.

Adopted by Klaine ft. O2LWhere stories live. Discover now