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No please.
I thought as I ran.
I don't want to have to go back.
I kept running. Running from my worst fear, Failure. I had failed my exams and now I was being held back. No! How could this happen?? I had worked so hard to get into extra credit classes and top grades. Who knew one class slept through could flop you're whole grade and get you held back.

Beep beep beep
What was that?
Beep beep beep

"Uuugghh" I said as I hit the snooze button on my alarm clock. I rested my head back onto the pillow and thought about my nightmare. I had told my family I wasn't stressed about the upcoming tests. Apparently I was wrong. Who was I kidding? This was the biggest test I had ever needed to take.

I was only in tenth grade but I was already in calculus and had completed high school history and biology.
My parents didn't want to send me away to college just yet so they had promised me that I could take advanced architecture classes if I kept up with my normal grades.

And today was my final exam in architecture.

Beep beep beep

I hit the off button behind me and jumped out of bed.

Today was a big day and I could not mess up. I started to get dressed and ready for school.

"Annabeth! You'll miss the bus if you don't come down and get breakfast soon!" My dad yelled up to my room.

"Coming dad!" I yelled back as I grabbed my jacket and thundered down the stairs. My brothers were pigging out in their pancakes on the table.

"Herro ammabeff"
"Goob morbing"
"Hi guys"

My brothers thought they were sooo funny talking with they're mouths full. Disgusting.

"Good morning sweetie I made you up a plate." My dad said handing me a plate of eggs and pancakes.

"Thanks dad."
"Are you ready for your big day today?"
"I'm not sure."
"Well I'm sure you'll do great on your test."
"Thanks dad"

If only the test was my only big event that day. Little did my loving dad know that in second period I would finally get my best friend to ask me out. At least, that was the plan.

With only three days left of school this year, and a few months until we were both sixteen, I couldn't wait any longer for him to make the first move. We'd been through so much drama together and never, not even once had he shown the slightest intention of asking me out.

Hopefully that would change. I mean I knew he liked me, it was kinda obvious the way he glared at other guys when ever they checked me out. Or when he blushed and glanced at me when someone told him to get a girlfriend. Yeah, I saw that.

The only thing was, he was just so dense. I mean, girls flirted with him non stop, all day, everyday. And he was completely oblivious. Like what? Buddy, even I could tell when someone liked you. And I wasn't necessarily the feelsy type.

I finished my breakfast and cleared my dish.
"Bye dad!" I said as I grabbed my backpack and walked out the door.
"Good luck!"
Came my dad's voice from the laundry room as I shut the front door behind me.

The bus stop was down the street to the left. I walked towards it thinking about my upcoming test and how unsure I was about wanting to take it.


"Alright pencils down everyone." Said Ms. Minerva as the bell rang.
I brought my finished test up to her desk just like everyone else. I hoped I'd done well. Everyone knew I wanted to be an architect when I got older, but first I had to pass my exams and get some advanced classes and education before starting my career.

I walked down the hall to second period, Latin. I found my seat and waited for the rest of the class to arrive. I always got here early.

My thoughts wandered to the Latin exam we had yesterday and how I'd thought I'd done horribly. My dyslexia had acted up right as the test was passed out so I barely understood a word I read. Oh well. At least this class was fun to be in.

My thoughts were interrupted by a pair of sea green eyes meeting my gaze.

There he was. My best friend, trouble maker, partner in crime (and soon to be boyfriend {hopefully}) Percy Jackson.

He smiled his mischievous grin and plopped down in the seat to the left of me.
"Hey seaweed brain" I said.
"Gosh will you ever stop calling me that? I get sushi in my hair one time and it lives on forever." He made a pouty face.

I love him.

I laughed and told him I'd never stop calling him that as the rest of the class filed in and took their seats.

Mr. Brunner wheeled his wheel chair in and rolled up to the front of the class.

"Today we will be playing a game. Get with a partner and try to communicate in Latin wth each other. First couple to succeed in understanding each other gets a skip class pass tomorrow."

What? Skip class pass? No way. I looked at Percy and he had a look on his face that told me he wanted that prize.

We partnered up and started talking in Latin. (Well tried at least.) I was good at it. I understood it pretty well when I didn't have to read it. Percy on the other hand, not so much. I for the longest time, thought he was saying "let's eat grass tomorrow", but I finally realized he was saying "let's skip class tomorrow." I repeated it in English and he stood up and dragged me to the teacher's desk to proclaim that we'd finished first, only to be beaten by Malcolm and Lizy.

"The winners and skippers of class tomorrow, Malcolm me Lizy!" Mr. Brunner announced.

"Oh well" said Percy.

I smiled and gave him a fist bump. Now If only he'd look in his desk as see that note I'd left him yesterday.


The bell rang and Percy grabbed his backpack by his seat and motioned for me to follow him. So much for him asking me out.

I grabbed my bag and followed him to our third period, PE.

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