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While Percy was in the bathroom, grover and I raided my family's pantry and fridge. I found some guacamole in the fridge and dug it out to snack on it. Grover and I were wolfing the stuff down when Percy came back from the bathroom. He grabbed a chip from the bag and scooped some guac into his mouth.

"Mmm Annabeth who made this? It's so good!" Grover groveled as he shoved another three chips covered in green dip into his mouth.

"My step mom. I think she was saving it for dinner, Whoopsie." Helen and I had never gotten along very well. Ever. Hopefully she wouldn't kill me for letting the boys empty her supply of chip dip.

"So what should we do?" Percy asked, his mouth still full of guac.

"Well we could play the Wii U, take a walk down to the gas station and we could play some cards, or a board game." I suggested.

"I just got my allowance for this month, I can buy all of you a dairy free icecream from the gas station?" Grover looked at Percy and I. We kinda just looked at each other and held back a laugh.

"Grover, not all of us are vegan you know." Percy laughed. Grover smiled sheepishly and said "well I guess I can get you two some normal disgusting dairy icecream if you insist." He rolled his eyes to let us know he was being sarcastic. "No but really, I'll buy your stupid ice cream for you."

"Great. I'll get my shoes on and we can go in about five minutes." I started lacing up my shoes and Percy sat on the stairs next to me. "Where's Grover?"

"He went to grab the money from his backpack." Percy ran his fingers through his hair with ease and I resisted the urge to melt on the spot. He was so hot I couldn't stand it. I stood up and grabbed my Yankees cap to shield my face from the sun outside. Grover came into the entry way and we walked outside into the summer heat. After I locked the front door behind us and made sure the key was in my back pocket, we started walking down the street.

"So the form comes out today" Percy said, putting one hand up to shield his face from the sun.

"What form?" Grover looked at Percy.
"The form to see who got in what slot for the tournament this summer."
"Oh you mean the ETOPE?"
"Yeah that thing"
"It comes out today?"
Percy nodded. "Coach pulled me aside yesterday and told me not to be too shocked at the standings. Im nervous to see what he meant."

I decided to join the conversation. "Be too shocked at the standings?"
Percy looked down the road to the gas station. "If and where I'm competing."
"What do you think you'll compete in?"
"Swimming. But coach said don't be too shocked so I'm really not sure anymore."
"Well what ever you go into, you'll do great." I opened the door for the two mighty gentlemen (note my lovely sarcasm. Why doesn't Percy open doors for me?) and we went inside the gas station.

Grover went straight to the vegan section while Percy and I walked over to the little freezer thing on the ground that you lift the top of to get the icecream. He picked out a blue raspberry popsicle, and I chose a frozen Snickers icecream bar. Grover met us at the cashier counter with a look of distaste at our choices. He had chosen a dairy free, low sugar, all natural, one serving ice cream. (if you can still call it that)

Percy smirked and nudged Grover with his shoulder when he saw who was working behind the counter. Grover's face turned a deep dark shade of magenta as he noticed the same thing as Percy. The girl working the register's name tag read "Juniper". I'd never seen her before in my life, but apparently the boys had, Especially Grover.

He paid awkwardly for our snacks and we walked out of the station after receiving a smile from juniper.

"Alright," I said. "Spill."

Percy just laughed silently as Grover told me about how he and Percy had seen her at school a few days ago and Grover had wanted her number. Percy had watched him make a fool of himself as Grover got the number and tripped on the way back to Percy, only to realize, that he'd left his backpack by the pack of girls that juniper was hanging with. By this time according to Grover, Percy was laying on the floor, dying from laughter.

"Okay then, Grover has a girlfriend now." I smiled mischievously and bit into my candy bar.

"No! I only got her number and I haven't even texted her yet!"

"What ever you need to tell yourself
g-man. For the record though, you should tell her you like her soon. Otherwise it'll be awkward when you finally do."

"Oh yeah? Look who's talking mister know-it-all-about-girls. You want me to start on you and your problems mister?"

Percy kicked Grover in the shins, a clear sign for him to shut up.

"What was that about?" I said, almost choking on my icecream bar from laugher. Percy pulled out his phone as we sat down on a park bench. "Nothing. Everything's fin--" Percy stopped mid sentence. "Oh guys no way."

Grover and I said in unison.

"The form is out right now!" Percy set his finished popsicle down on the bench.

"Well open it up and let's see what we got!" Grover cried excitedly.

Percy's phone loaded the image of the standings. "And... I'm not in swimming." Percy looked at his phone, puzzled. "Not in the mile sprint either." He scrolled down the list. "Thankfully not in hula hooping. But that only leaves one more, and coach said I was in it so-"

"Fencing." I said. He looked at me and smiled. "I guess, yeah." Grover peered over his shoulder and skimmed the form. "You're on her too Annabeth."

"Really?" I said, surprised.

"Yeah. Annabeth Chase, Fencing"

"Aw nice. We can practice together." Percy smiled again at me. I couldn't resist smiling either. Quality time with Percy trying to beat me with a sword? Perfect. This would be fun.

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