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On and on the games went. Until at last, the fencing part of the games was held. Everyone from both schools lined up around the field. The Titans were to attack the defending side, Goode, to try and breach our security, and evidentially claim the "throne" of victory. (A trophy)

We formed into our positions and got ready to begin. When the whistle blew-


The only thing that mattered was us. Our team. Our goal. I sat in my hunched position, awaiting the attack that would surely come- but for now- nothing came.

In my mind it was hours before the first strike was heard, but in reality it must have been only a few seconds. Forces from the back of the field were piling onto the battle grounds. As Percy and I rushed to help the overwhelmed forces of ours, noise behind us caused me to turn around. The sight wasn't a picnic.

About twenty or so Titan soldiers were flooding the field from the opposite direction. I grabbed Percy's shoulder and pointed- my words couldn't be heard over the noise- he understood what I meant as I rushed towards the new threat, alone. Backup defenses followed my flee, and soon we doubled our almost crushed forces on the north side of the field.

I looked back behind me to see how Percy was holding his team and I gawked. Almost all of his teammates were either trampled, fleeing, or rallying up what courage they had left. Percy however, was holding his own. He had taken the fallen weapons and thrown them behind him for his remaining teammates to use, but he was almost alone. Will solace was shooting water out of water guns into the faces of unsuspecting warriors, but that was about all the help Percy was getting. And soon, I knew he'd be overwhelmed.

I signaled to Malcolm and he understood my plan as I retreated this fight to aid Percy in his. Right as I reached the battle scene I witnessed a soldier slam Percy's knee with his shield- that I had no idea was allowed- and Percy fell to his knees, in pain. A blow to the head was his almost arrived fate, but I figured I'd step in to intervene.

My dagger found its way into the hold of Percy's enemies' weapon grip, and with a well aimed kick from myself, the big guy went down to the ground.

"Gosh, you're always here to save my neck." Percy grabbed my outstretched hand and hauled himself into standing position.

"That's what I do." I sidestepped a new attack and hit his shoe to trip the threat. In my haste however, I had neglected to look behind me. And that's when my shoulder suddenly felt like it had exploded. I gasped and fell to the ground, as I heard Percy yell and step over me to shield my vulnerability.


I must have blacked out because the next thing I remember was waking up in the locker rooms. Apparently half time had already come and go, and our forces were condensed into less than half of the field, meaning we were failing. The clock read eight minutes until five pm- the ending time- and my heart picked up speed.

Leaping off the bleacher I had been lying on, I winced as my shoulder ached from the earlier blow. Grabbing my trusty wooden dagger, I header out to help my team.

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