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Huh that's weird. Percy was sitting next to me on the bleachers a minute ago.

I started to look around the gym for a guy with messy black hair.


I walked over to him as he was getting a drink from the water fountain.

"Hey why'd you leave?" I asked

"I told you I was going to get a drink but you were in one of your thinking trances. "

"Well then."

He'd been smart to not wake me up from that. He of all people knew it would be trouble if I was interrupted during my loving thinking time.

"We should get going to our next class." I said

"You're right."

"Okay we'll see you later."


I went to get changed our of my gym clothes and hurried to my next class.

Gosh I hate writing. I mean it's fun when I get to write about what I like, which is architecture, but anything else? Bleh.

When I sat down I noticed there was writing on the chalkboard.

Great. I thought.

I tried to decipher it as best as I could with my dyslexia but no luck. The best I made out was

"Your assignment for the grape-"

Yeah that probably wasn't right. 

Miss Petal started class and read the chalkboard out loud, thank goodness. She said;

"Your assignment for today is write a six page essay about a memory you have."

The class groaned.

"Oh and just one small detail I forgot to write up here, you must finish it in class today."


Okay okay. No big deal. If I focused on what I liked, sometimes my dyslexia didn't act up as bad.

"Your time starts now." Said Miss Petal.

Crap. How was I going to do this?? Okay think think think.

Hm. That might work. Oh no no not that. Oh wait maybe tha- no I've got it!

I smiled to myself at the memory I was reliving.

Annabeth Chase
Teacher: Miss Petal
Date: (insert date)

The Lightning Thief

When I was in seventh grade, I met my best friend. His name is Percy Jackson. He was the new kid at school and was picked on the moment he got here. Don't think for a second I was 'the nice one who stood up for him' no I hated him. But we got paired up in classes together and I got to know him slightly better and my opinion changed little by little.
     Then, a few months into the school year, a ring of keys went missing. Not any keys though, the keys to the grading room. Everyone called them the master keys because they opened up any room in the teacher's lounge but was mostly used for opening the grading room. The way they were identified keys was a little charm on the ring. This one had a lightning bolt on it.
   Whoever had these keys had the power to "strike people down" because if they could accesses the grading room, they could give anyone they liked an F on all of their tests. And guess what the best part was? People accused Percy of stealing them.
     I didn't think he did but people wanted to blame someone. It was pretty much a disaster. Percy was facing expulsion from his new school that he'd made some new friends (Grover and I) at.
     Our Latin teacher (Mr. Bruner) told us that it would be best if we turned in those master keys. But of course we didn't have them so what did we do? We decided to find them and turn the freak in.
    We eventually found the thief after a lot of planning, confusion, and plot twists. we found the culprit.
    Luke Castellan. He was then expelled for stealing something so valuable and hard to take. Percy was finally recognized as a hero in some ways, and I decided that he was my friend.

The end

"Alright class times up!"

Good thing I'd finished. It wasn't six pages but hopefully I would get an excuse due to my dyslexia but probably not. Oh well.

I gathered my things and made my way to fifth period. Science yay.


"Well, see you tomorrow I guess."


Gosh he was so awkward around me lately. I hoped it was because he liked me. JUST ASK ME OUT

I got on the bus and made my way to my favorite seat. The back left window.

Someone was already sitting there but oh well. I sat next to them. They were drawing what looked like a maze.

I laughed to myself and thought of the time Percy, Grover, Tyson, Rachel, and I had tried to do a corn maze. It ended in the maze collapsing after a fight at the end, but you know, All things ended alright in the end.

Rachel though. That got me thinking of her. I had heard that she was sick today. Good. Not to be mean or anything, but I really didn't like her. I got a feeling she liked Percy. A lot. And it took a lot of will power not to punch her when she flirted with him. Of course he was oblivious but still. I don't want him to date her. We'd been through so much more together. Like that time we beat up this bully for trapping Grover in a closet. That was terrifying. I got hit a few times and Percy carried me a little while. How romantic. What? No I didn't mean to say that. Ugh what ever.

Hopefully Rachel would stay away from Percy until I got him to ask me out.

A/N (authors note)
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<3 Auntie Tori

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