Witnesses Of A Crime

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I turned onto my side as the nurse left the room. I actually haven't seen Bo or Jenna in a few days. I wonder if they're okay? I chuckled lightly at myself as I sat up. The room was empty, just me inside. I just want to go home! Well, to the apartment. Which, I guess IS my home. I smiled at the thought. Jesus, can't my body just heal already? My black eye is slowly fading and my ribs still aren't completely healed. That will take a while. I sighed and slowly laid back down, carefully. I groaned in pain as I heard someone open the door. I opened my eyes and gasped. Who is he? Everything's going wrong, I don't need this. No. Not now. "Long time, no see." He spoke through his smirk. What does he mean by that? I've never seen him! He locked the door behind him and I gulped. I started to run to the door but he stopped me and I heard the clicking of a gun.  

"I wouldn't run if I were you." I stopped in my tracks and took a deep breath. 

I felt him push the gun again the back of my head and quickly whipped my arm around and grabbed him in the middle of his arm and knocking the gun out of his hand. I took my other hand and secretly dialed Bo's number, putting it on speaker so he could hear, but silencing it on my side. I hope he picks up. Come on, Bo. He went after the gun and I jumped on his back, but he easily threw me on the bed. I bounced off and hit the cold tiled ground. I winced as I felt my ribs nearly crush against the floor. He put in of his feet on my back as I tried to get up and pushed down,  

"You're not gonna win." He laughed.  

"Oh really?" I asked, wiping my bloody lip. Before he could say anything else I wrapped my legs around his and pulled him to his knees, and I got out from under him and hit his head against the wall, thinking that would knock him out. Bo finally answered because I heard his weak voice from the phone, "K-Kara?"  

And I guess the guy heard it, too. 

"Oh, did the lil bitch call her boyfriend?" He smirked, getting up, slapping me.  

I yelped as he pushed me down on the bed, grabbing the phone and ending the call then throwing the phone, easily breaking it on the wall. He slapped me again and I bit my lip, making sure not to cry out in pain. I quickly slid between his legs and grabbed the gun, and as soon as he turned around, without even thinking about it, I clicked the trigger. 

Bo's P.O.V. 

"KARA!" I screamed into the phone. The line went dead. The girl that I.. did last night woke up with a jolt. I got out of bed and put all my clothes on.  

"Thanks for all the fun last night but I gotta go help my friend."  

I ran out, the light only making my major headache worse. I dialed up Jenna and she picked up, it sounded like she was crying.  

"Are you going to apologize?" She asked.  

"No, I mean, I would-"  


"Jenna, please just listen, Kara needs help, meet me at the hospital in front of her room." And I hung up the phone, getting in my car, and speeding down the road to the hospital.  

"Please be okay, Kara." I muttered under my breath, my hands tapping on the steering wheel. I pulled into the parking lot and saw Jenna running into the building. I ran after her, not looking at each other. 

We heard a gun shot, and we both shared a glance and sped up, running towards her room. There's now many people all trying to find where the gun shot coming from, some people running in panic. I ran up to Kara's room and tugged the door handle. It was locked. I backed up and ran into the door sideways, getting an overwhelming pain in my shoulder. I saw Kara sitting on the floor, her knees up to her chest, crying. A guy laid, dead, on the floor. A pool of blood around him. Did she.. kill him? I ran up to her, Jenna behind me. 

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