Chapter Five

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Chapter 5

The home of the pack is to the east of a small human settlement that has been renamed Hebinon. The city itself was once a sea side holiday destination. Of course now it is a wasteland, a ghost town that during pre-war hosted 100's of tourists now was home to a small group of humans. Probably 50 people max. They were not the hunters that had stolen my pups but they were human after all, so we studied them, every few days we would take a trip to the edges of Hebinon and learn what they really were, what made us so different. Although the same shape I learnt there were less similarities than I had first assumed. The human group mostly males with a spattering of females disgusted me, they were slaves to their own bodies, lust and gluttony ruled their lives. They had no sense of compassion for each other. Kindness and caring were unexplored. They liked to have sex, eat, drink fermented fruit drinks, fight, eat some more, sleep and cause humility and pain for personal gain.

I was glad to leave them behind when night fell, but inside I cried. The last moments my babies had ever known were amongst people like this. Dirty, drunken idiots. The guilt gnawed away at my stomach, it would never go away.

It's been almost six weeks since I gave birth to them, and I now know that they are dead. They could never have survived without my milk. The loving family environment that was their right was here and humans never had children anymore, how would they know how to look after amalgam children if they didn't have any of their own?

Today had been a hard day, I'd watched the humans beat a woman to near unconscious and then mount her repeatedly, they had no morals. The sight had made me feel ill. The thought of those humans near me made my skin crawl under my hoodie.

I collected the binoculars, my drinking bottle and buried the remnants of my mid day meal, I noted the place in case I needed food later, but my human mind chimed in reminding  me I would never be that desperate that I needed to eat rotting chicken bones.

I tightened my boots, although I was still a little flabby the evidence of my pregnancy had all but disappeared, my clothes were fitting properly again. I had missed my steel toe boots.

Walking home wouldn't take longer than an hour probably, I could run if I'd felt any urgency to get home quicker but I liked the quiet of being alone.

A yap caught my attention. Well, almost alone. Flynn was waiting at the edge of the woods with a brace of rabbits, he wouldn't let me go out on my own anymore but he made sure it was productive when he came with me.

"Oh hi there, aren't you just the badass hunter?" I gave him a wink and a one armed hug.

Flynn feinted a stretch and tried to wipe the proud smirk off his face. "They put up a fight. Eight in total."

"Put up a fight? Those little babies?" I teased him as I made my way up the steep incline into the woods.

"These bunnies are blood thirsty killers when cornered!" He assured me as he followed me up the hill.

We neared the site of the pack home, the trees thinned out a bit and the paths became well trodden. Flynn yipped a greeting to warn anyone nearby 'it's just us'. We heard some scuffling in the distance, a few barks and a whine I threw Flynn a quizzical look. Who would be having a beat down at home?

The commotion drew nearer as we rounded a bend to find two brown children trying to feed each other mud. They growled and yipped amongst laughs the pair were totally covered in brown mud, Yinny the female was winning, sitting on Dagon trying her hardest to make him eat her mud cake. "It's got grass seed sprinkles!" she squealed.

They hadn't noticed us coming up the path until Dagon managed to flip Yinny over and pin her.

"We're going to have rabbits for eating?!" Dagon asked excitedly, forgetting the mud cake war and coming to investigate the days catch. "Can I carry one?"

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