Chapter 5: Baby, Just Take it Off

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[Camila's POV]

My senses were on fire. As we crashed our lips together I felt like I had taken some sort of drug, since every sensation seemed doubled, tripled, to a point where I felt lightheaded. 

Kissing her made me dizzy, like she was stealing all the air from my lungs.

I drank in the taste of her lips on mine. It was a sweet mixture of mint and chocolate, which I savored hungrily as our tongues danced exploring each other's mouths. Meanwhile I let my hands wander through her body, tangling in her hair and grazing her arms, memorizing every inch of it like I was an explorer drawing a map on her skin.

She squeezed my butt unexpectedly, making me hum into the kiss and press her even harder against the door. She's such a good kisser, I thought.

I moved my lips down to her neck, kissing and biting on her soft porcelain skin. She let out an almost inaudible moan and it was like music to my ears. Damn, I could spend days and days just listening to the moans I elicited from her. She grabbed me by the nape of my neck and pulled me up again, connecting our mouths and taking my bottom lip between hers.

The only sense I had completely abandoned was sight – There was no point in seeing the world around us because I couldn't care less about it. So I closed my eyes wide shut and let myself sink in the sweetness of her kiss, seeing nothing but stars in that wonderful bliss.

"You sure don't waste time," Lauren husked a little out of breath as we pulled apart, a smug look on her face. Her emerald orbs glistened with a lustful daze, just inches away from my brown ones. "We barely left the ground and you already have me pinned against the door..."

"Are you complaining?" I questioned, raising an eyebrow challengingly.

"Nope," she smirked, popping the 'p'. "I like it when you're wild like that. I guess this will help us get our minds off the awards for a bit, right?"

I nodded. We were currently on a private jet that was taking us to New York, where we would attend the 2016 VMAs. We were in the back lounge, which was a little more private, while the other girls sat on the main cabin. And yeah, having sex with Lauren would definitely help me calm my nerves a little – I was a little anxious, to be honest. It's a big award show.

"It's been a while, by the way, don't you think?" she continued as I started kissing her neck once again. "We haven't done this since... when was it... was it Canada? See, I don't even remember. I missed this."

My kisses became hungrier and soon turned into small bites. I was starting to grow impatient.

"Life has been so stressful lately, y'know, with the tour and all that stuff, and I feel like I've lost track of ti—hmm, that feels good," She interrupted herself by moaning softly, but soon resumed her monologue. "—I've lost track of time, I don't even know what day of the week it is today, it could be any day, y'know... but I have a feeling it's Wednesday, cause—"

"I think you talk too much." I interrupted her, groaning. Her endless rambling was starting to annoy me. I sucked on her collarbone, eliciting another whimper from her, and gratefully no more words. "You need to listen, baby." I whispered in between kisses. "You need to listen good." More kisses.


Her hands started wandering down my back, scratching the entire length of my spine and giving me goosebumps. I heard our breaths getting heavier as our make out session quickly escalated into something more. I heard my heartbeats getting faster like I was running laps. I heard steps... wait a minute. Steps?

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