Chapter 11: We're Bittersweet

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[Camila's POV]


I groaned loudly at the sound, my face buried against the pillow. I refused to open my eyes or make absolutely any sort of movement – I was exhausted.

It took me a second to remember where I was, or why I was there, but hearing that name being called brought all the memories from last night back to my head. Oh shit, Lauren, what are you doing to me? I thought, a silly grin spreading across my face as I thought about all those things we've done so passionately.

I shouldn't be smiling at this. I shouldn't be smiling at all. Oh god, I was so helplessly falling for her. I was screwed.

I could feel her naked body pressed against mine and I knew she probably had her head hidden under the sheets because of the sun. I didn't mind the light, though, especially since I had my hair covering my whole face and blocking most of it. I realized I had one of my arms snaked around her bare stomach, which only made me grin harder, my eyes closed wide shut. Great, now the butterflies suddenly decided to throw a wild rave in my stomach, how nice.


Why the hell does she keep shouting her own name? What kind of narcissistic piece of s—

"Wake up, we're gonna be late!" the voice said again, much louder this time. "Seriously, Lo, c'mon!"

Wait a minute, that's not—

Suddenly a pair of hands grabbed my shoulder and forcefully turned me around, breaking my embrace with the other girl. My eyes snapped open as gravity moved my hair to the side, revealing my face to the person who not so kindly interrupted my peaceful slumber.

"C'mon, Laure— Camila?"

"Ally?" I shrieked in a high pitched tone, my eyes almost popping out of their sockets.

"Oh dear Lord!"

Ally threw her hands in the air and screamed because 1) That was most certainly not Lauren, 2) There was a naked Camila in Lauren's bed, and 3) Well, boobs.

"What's— Mila?" A third voice asked, and I turned my head to find Dinah by the door. Her surprised look almost immediately turned into a knowing smirk when she noticed my lack of clothes. I quickly pulled the sheets to cover myself up, blushing furiously.

Oh my God, this is not happening.

Right on cue, a very disoriented, very grumpy Lauren Jauregui emerged from the ocean of sheets.

"What the fuck is going on?"

Is this some kind of punishment from the Universe? Because seriously, I don't see how this could get any worse.

"Why are y'all screaming? It's not that hard to wake up that old beast," Normani said as she barged into the room, stopping right on her tracks when she spotted me. "Oh, shit."

Of course. Oh, thank you, Universe. Who's walking on us next, Simon fucking Cowell?

"What the fuck are you guys doing here?" Lauren asked, pissed. Her hair was a total mess and the scowl on her face only made things funnier. She looked like an angry, hairy street puppy and I felt the sudden urge to pinch her cheeks. Control yourself, woman, I told myself before I did something stupid.

Oops, too late for that, I'm already in her bed.

"I think the real question is, what is Camila doing here?" Dinah interrupted with a smirk, leaning against the wall with her arms crossed. I swear this girl won't let us hear the end of it.

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