Chapter 13: Better Late Than Never

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 [Normani's POV]

"So, are you gonna tell me what's been bothering you?" I asked, closing the hotel bedroom door behind me.

Lauren just shrugged as she followed me into the room we were sharing.

"It's nothing."

"No, it's definitely something. Or should I say, definitely a certain someone."

The green eyed girl rolled her eyes at me.

"It's not about her."

"Of course it is! I see you trying to catch her attention all the time, Lauren. Whenever you think no one's looking, the glances, the subtle touches—"

"Okay, okay, it is about her," Lauren admitted with a sigh.

She ran her fingers through her hair in frustration and flopped down on her bed.

"Mani, if I tell you something, do you promise to keep it a secret?"

"Of course."

"And by secret I mean Dinah is not included. Or any bets concerning Camila and I that involve money or buckets of chicken wings or whatever."

"I... What? We didn't bet on you, silly," I scoffed with a nervous laugh. How the hell does she know about that?

Lauren narrowed her eyes at me skeptically.

"Okay, I promise," I said, and I actually meant it. I could see in her eyes how important that was to her. I sat in front of her in the bed and gestured for her to go on.

"Right." She took a deep breath. "So. After that night we... after you guys caught us—"

"... cuddling after sex and Ally almost had a stroke, yeah, I remember that way too well. I'm still having trouble getting those images out of my head, thanks."

"Shut up. Anyway, after that day we sort of stopped caring about the rules we had made, you know? We just threw the whole Mile High Club thing out of the window."

"So like, new rules?"

"More like no rules at all. She just comes to my room almost every night, or I go to hers, and we... Well, we do all sort of stuff."

I grimaced.

"Ew, don't go into the details, I don't wanna know about the weird freaky stuff y'all do behind closed doors! Go tell Dinah, you perv!"

"I'm not saying sexual stuff, Mani." the Latina explained. "But by the way, don't kink-shame me, you dumbass," she threw a pillow in my direction, but I easily grabbed it before it could hit my face.

"What I'm saying is," she continued. "We stay up all night talking and discussing world issues and watching movies together or just listening to music and yes, eventually we fuck but that's not the point."

"What's the point then?"

"That there are three big problems going on here," she started, claiming my lap as her new pillow. I started stroking her hair to see if I could calm down her nerves, but it was pointless; Lauren was restless. "First, she's leaving us. And I had accepted that, I really had, but the more time we spend together the harder it gets and I know I should stay away, I know, but I simply can't."

I looked down at her and saw her biting her bottom lip, which was trembling suspiciously. She kept playing with her nails and refused to look anywhere else.

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