Chapter 6: So Good That I Can't Explain It

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[Lauren's POV]

"So, you ready?" Camila eyed me, a mischievous grin on her face.

"Yep... you sure about this?" I asked. I gotta admit I was a little nervous.

Around us, time seemed to move at an unusual fast pace at the airport. Maybe it was the countless strangers walking by with their luggage in hand, or the bodiless voice announcing flights every now and then, but something about that place made me anxious. I just wanted to get on that damn plane already — for more than one reason, if I'm being honest.

"Lauren, did I stutter?" She gave me an 'are you serious?' look. "Of course I'm sure. It was my idea. Seriously, you're gonna love this surprise." Something in her look told me I really would, but I still was a little concerned.

"Did you really made them switch seats so we could seat next to each other?" I asked. I couldn't believe how bold she was being. That was just another level of risky. "Don't you think it's a little suspicious? I mean, it's you and me. Someone is gonna say something, management wouldn't approv-"

"Alright," She shrugged, feigning indifference. "I'll switch back, then. Enjoy your 8-hour flight to Europe by yourself if you can't handle being risky..."

"No, wait! That's not what I meant!" I said a little too eagerly before she stood up and walked away or something. Okay, stop embarrassing yourself, I thought. No need to look like a sex addict or some shit, Lauren. "I wanna see your surprise... whatever it is."

"That's what I thought." she said, a smirk dancing on her face. God, that girl had me on the palm of her hand.

It had been over a month since the two of us had been together in that way, and I'm not gonna lie, whenever I caught myself thinking about it I got all hot and bothered. I'm not gonna lie, I missed her, so yeah, of course I was up for any crazy ideas she'd come up with. 

Canalizing all our anxiety and stress into sex was by far the best idea we've ever had. Being on the spotlight almost 24/7 meant we went through a lot of pressure. I was often overwhelmed to a point where I had panic attacks or emotional breakdowns, and being with her relieved all that tension off my system.

Sex with Camila was better than any therapist.

"You're not gonna tell me what it is, are you?" I questioned.

"No. And don't look at me like that!" She added when she saw me pulling the best puppy eyes I could. "Don't you dare attack me with those green eyes, Jauregui, I'm not telling you!"

"Okay, okay!" I raised my hands defensively, although curiosity was eating me on the inside. I relaxed on my seat and waited for the bodiless voice to call our flight for boarding, wondering what her surprise could possibly be.

How did she even talk me into this?


"So what's the deal with Water Gun?" I asked her, trying to engage conversation. It was a miracle to ever catch her without her mom or Roger or Ashlee, so I had to make the most out of those moments. It's not like we had a lot of those ahead of us.

"Water gun?" Her chocolate pools eyed me, huge question marks written all over them.

"Water Gun Nelly, the guy you did your collab with," I clarified. I didn't quite remember his name. He looked like the world's biggest douche, to be honest, but I kept that opinion to myself. "When is he gonna release his song?"

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