Chapter 1

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They say most of your brain shuts down in cryo-sleep. All but the primitive side, the animal side. No wonder I'm still awake. Transporting me with civilians. Sounded like 40, 40-plus. Heard an Arab voice. Some hoodoo holy man, probably on his way to New Mecca. But what route? What route? I smelt a woman. Sweat, boots, tool belt, leather. Prospector type. Free settlers. And they only take the back roads. Also smelt another women but she was different, more pleasant, I could smell the sweet smell of her floral perfume but it was mixed with something that caught my attention but it couldn't be possible no one would make that for me, with her was a child as I heard his voice and he had the smell...probably helped that children had a certain smell. And there was my real problem, Mr. Johns the blue-eyed devil. Planning on taking me back to slam only this time he picked a ghost lane. A long time between stops, a long time for something to go wrong...

The blaring and harsh rays of the sun shined down onto the packed streets of Kayhal. If I ever had to describe what it was like, I would say it was similar looking to the streets of India. Everywhere you looked you would find a stall filled to the brim of items whether it be rugs, animals, and food or even souvenir items. Walking past all of them I tried to block out the deafening noise as I tugged my suit case alongside me, careful to not lose my footing on the uneven rock pavers.

I had just been able to put on my sunglass to help me see my ticket when I was almost run down by a group of running and laughing children who were playing what must have been a game of tag. Giggles lightly escaped my mouth as my blue eyes watched them until they merged back into the crowd, adjusting both my sunglasses and headscarf I managed to see a shipping yard in the distance.

There was only a few ships there which was a helpful sight as it did not leave many places for me to look. I was already irritated when I arrived on Kayhal, for starters there was an engine problem causing us to land on the nearest planet. So when we got off we were told by members of staff that we could wait another 24 hours for another ship but we would half to pay for half the ticket or we waited an hour and go on a 'budget' ship which the airlines could fund.

Most of the passengers chose to wait but I couldn't wait that long nor could I afford to...the other thing was, I was planning on meeting a friend on earth once I landed. Both him and his children were on their way to Mecca, he was meant to be bringing along his orphaned nephew who I am planning on adopting. For a long time growing up, the thought of being a mum excited me, though there was no way I planned of becoming pregnant by someone I didn't love nor returned the feeling. So when the opportunity came up to adopt, I jumped at the thought. Because I was already a single 28 year old with barley any chance of meeting 'Mr Right'.

While lost in thought, I had managed to make my way through the remainder of the crowds which seemed to thin as I moved away from the market. Almost tripping again on the path I could have sworn out lout in frustration, releasing a deep breath I had taken in to stop myself from speaking...swearing. Walking towards a group of people I smiled at two who I believed were crew members, "hello, is this the ship heading to Earth, um B.31?" I questioned walking over to the pair, the man smiled and held out his hand for me to shake " Co captain Owens, and this is my second in charge Carolyn Fry. Welcome". Releasing the handle of my suitcase I also extended my arm shaking his hand along with Carolyns, I gave her a small smile which she returned but I could clearly see that it didn't reach her eyes.

Trying to stay on a positive note I grabbed my items and walked over to the group of people waiting to board the ship. Looking over the crowd I noticed that there was many different types of people of all ages. Most seem to be travellers or collectors of some sorts though one small group stood out to me as I couldn't help but grin from ear to ear as I raced over.

There was a man with 3 children huddled together, upon further review as I reached the group I realised they were in prayer, this was because they were all holding hands with their eyes closed while the man spoke. When they finished the oldest boy, Suleiman, looked over to me and smiled. He raced over and pulled me into a hug while he called out my name, laughing I returned the hug while commenting about how big he had grown. Releasing him I turned to Imam who had ventured over with the rest of his family in tow, he pulled me into a hug before leaning back to talk to me, "Sarah what a wonderful surprise, I was expecting to see you on earth but this is even better" he said while I just smiled " it is good to see you too old friend" I spoke playing a playful turn on the past two words as he just smiled and almost rolled his eyes.

He indicated his head over to his youngest child who gave me a smile, that was when I realised that there was a toddler no more than 2 years old grasping onto his cousins hand. Surprisingly the little boy didn't seem to be afraid of me but he gave me a big grin and raced over to hug my legs "mummy!" the boy said as I glanced over Imam who only chuckled "for the past 6 months I had been showing him pictures and videos of you saying that you were his mother" as I only nodded and picked the boy up whose name was Ali.

"Well aren't you just the cutest thing I have ever seen" I said bopping my nose against Alis which sent him into a giggle fit " I have the paperwork for you to sign if you want to do it now?" Imam asked as I eagerly nodded already feeling ecstatic about today.

For another half hour I officially adopted Ali and were just given a safely speech due to us traveling which was terrifying but we were told to be calm by who I presumed to be the security officer William Johns, who preferred to be called Johns. Our group was let on first seeing's as we were the closest to the cock pit.

Walking towards my cryosleep container when I felt something tightening in my stomach almost like a nagging feeling. I turned around to see a man already in his container. Though this passenger was chained up to the walls, blindfolded with a bar of some sorts in his mouth. It had a warning message saying 'danger' and 'do not release early' but it wasn't just that which drew me to him. A part of me which wouldn't mention it out loud found him hot. Like not just hot but attractive, as though everything about me drew him to me. Goggles covered his eyes so I couldn't tell if he was asleep or not. The man had a shaved head, and I could clearly see the muscles on his toned arms and vaguely underneath his black wife beater. Just as I took a step closer I thought I was his nose twitch and the muscles in his arms tense but before I could do or notice anything else I couldn't help but jump as a hand landed on my shoulder.

Looking over my shoulder I noticed that it was Johns " I wouldn't recommend you doing that" he said moving back to lean on one of the support beams "why?" I questioned turning my head back to the mystery guy. " Because Riddick here has escaped from many prisons and a few high risk ones, you name it he has done it, stolen, murdered men, women and I'm sure children and he is not known to have many human emotions" he said winking at me before starting to walk away "but you have nothing to worry about when I am around" he said before heading over to his pod. I pulled a face of disgust before moving over to my pod which surprise surprise was beside Imam and Johns while being in front of Riddick.

When everyone was ready I felt the room cool down as I didn't fight the tiredness of my eyes as I drifted into a dreamless sleep not realising the pain and death that was about to come.

Hi everyone I hope you enjoyed the first chapter! I am going off of the script (though I may or may not know a lot of the lines :P) so I will be adding my character in when I can so it should be good. It may be a couple chapters before we get some Riddick loving but I promise to make this worth while. Please remember to comment your thoughts and follow me and this story!!! Thankyou

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