Chapter 17

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John just stared at me as all my thoughts consumed of 'That mother fucking asshole' and 'just wait till the moment I look into your eyes and push my shive into your skull'. But while the thoughts were violent and loud, my actions were silent.

This should have been an indicator for Johns to keep his mouth shut and his eyes off of my girl, even if Sarah was not officially MY girl at this moment... she was mine.

" Or we take down the girl and I can keep Sarah to myself... Oh and when I am done I might let you have a turn with her" Johns said sending me a wink. Red was the only colour seen in my vision and I clenched my jaw as Johns continued to be oblivious "I assume you still got a shiv on you?" he questioned.

Slowly running my tongue over my bottom lip I replied "what? You expect me to do it?" trying to entertain the thought. "What's one more to you huh? Like this is the one that sends you to hell?" Johns stated sarcastically.

Rolling my eyes inside my head "Oh, you're a piece of art Johns. They oughtta hang you in a museum somewhere, or forget the museum- maybe they should just hang you" I stated with an evil smirk. Out the corner of my eye, I noticed that the group had slowed down to a stop. It was easy to guess that they were getting suspicious about the two of us.

" So you get the young girl, I'll get Sarah and keep the others off your back" Johns said as we began to make our way back but his comment was what pushed me over the edge and caused me to pause in my movements, "aw, don't tell me you're growin' soft" Johns said as I turned to him once again and shook his head " just wondering if we're going to need a bigger piece of meat?".

" What like who? Mr. Chrislam over there?" Johns asked but both men knew that their new partnership was quickly falling apart, there was an unanswered question "more like you Mr. Johns". In a split second everything went downhill as I made a play to grab the shotgun, Johns quickly caught on and sent a shot upwards into the darkness.

Toward the back I could hear their concern as various people spoke up, Fry yelled out first "Bring the light!" while Jack called out in confusion "what are they doing?". The group began to backtrack but the one voice that caused me to fight harder " wait! What about Riddick? I don't care about Johns... but we can't leave Riddick!".

Taking a swing at Johns I was able to hit his light off of him and onto the ground, creating an area of illumination. With our accelerated heart beats, the creatures around us clicked faster. During the scuffle Johns lunges for the shotgun that had been knocked to the ground during the fight, but being able to see ahead I was able to knock it away and into the darkness.

"Gotta stay in the light Johns... That's the only rule" I say backing into the darkness. Johns not being able to see past the light gave me the perfect opportunity to taunt Johns by poking and jabbing him, moving in and out of the darkness till he was backed up against a wall of darkness.

Johns began to circle inside the light, I could hear the fear beginning to build. In Johns quick and frantic movements, he didn't the a bone that was on the ground causing him to stumble, to anyone else it was just a bone but to an unarmed Johns it was a club. Watching Johns I picked up by own 'bone-club', sneaking up on Johns I let the club swing knocking on John's club-hand immediately breaking fingers and causing him to drop the bone onto the sound.

It was easy to see that Johns was beginning to become desperate, charging at him I pulled out my shive and shoved it into his back. Johns fell to the ground and began to claw his way through the sand desperately (and pathetically). Blood began to poor out of him, "never shoulda taken the chains off Johns" I said as he looked around blindly in the light " You were one brave fuck before, now look at you".

Finialy John's found the shotgun and began to move it around in the light, ready to kill... whether it was me or any other living creature. I stayed back letting the scene play out, seeing one of the creatures heading in Johns direction. Johns must have seen the outline of the creature as he imminently turned in its direction and pulled the trigger... only for something to happen.

Realising death was soon approaching, Johns quickly tried to load his shot gun but it was too late... he was staring straight at the creature, inches away from each other. Not a second later the creature got him, wasting no time in catching its prey. And just as quickly Johns pitiful life was ended, not by Riddick but from the onset of his own actions and selfishness

I didn't waste any time in sticking around and began to make my way back to the group who were now on the move. Now I had little interference in my way of claiming Sarah... and maybe even her two new adopted children. But the issue still remained, how were we going to get out of here? It was almost laughable that I was left the weakest, with no training in fighting or being able to handle themselves, but non the less they had managed to stay alive longer than anyone else.

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